The life Of Balloon (S:1 Ep: 1) The First Relationship

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(A few days later without her family, Balloon started to make magic and have a relationship with the princess.)

Balloon: Good morning your majesty.

Beth: [yawning] Huh? Balloon? What are you doing in my room?

Balloon: Sorry, The butler wanted me to wake up. He said that someone is at the door.

Beth: [...] I'm coming, Just wait at the diner table and eat breakfast, ok.

Balloon: Ok mommy- I-I mean majesty. [Slam her face with her hand]

Beth: Hmm.

(As Balloon waited on the dinner table. Beth reached to the door and it was prince Andrew.... again)

Beth: What Are You Doing here!

Prince Andrew: Relax I just wanted to visit you. Since the incident a few years ago. So I want to make it up for you.

Beth: That's sweet of you but I moved on. And so are you. Right now I need to teach my daughter- I-I-I mean student.

Prince Andrew: Student? Are you a teacher now?

Beth:[....] Yes.

Prince Andrew: I understand now that you're with someone else.

Beth: Y-Yeah with someone else. Why do you want to marry me anyways?

Prince Andrew: I can't say. I just love your beauty and everything about you. I mean I can't marry your...

Beth: 😠? Well...Say it.

Prince Andrew: Maid. I was going to say Maid...I'll see you later Beth. Bye.

Beth: Bye

(Closed the doors and her back is in the door and regretting what she just said and remembering Ronald.)

Balloon: Uh, Your majesty, Who was at the door?

Beth: Oh it was a friend. Anyways ready for your new magic?

Balloon: Yeah!

Beth: Great, Why don't you go to the library and pick a magic book whatever you want.

Balloon: Ok.

"Your majesty, who was at the door?"

Beth:[sigh] it was prince Andrew.

"That spoiled prince? Why did he come here?"

Beth: Because he wanted to make up to me since the incident a few years ago.

" Well I have been over hearing that you mistakenly say your daughter?"

Beth:[Blushed] oh right that part. I don't know but I feel like this girl made me feel that she was my own daughter. Or maybe she made me feel that she was the person I loved. I don't understand anymore.

"I was there, you know."

Beth: You saw everything, didn't you Freddy?

Freddy: Every piece of it.

Beth: Why didn't you say anything?

Freddy: Because I know You don't want to talk about it. I understand you. I've been your butler when you were a child. It's time for you to move on and Focus on your "student".

Beth: Right...

Balloon: Oh your majesty you're here. I just found the perfect magic. It's glitter dust.

Beth: Oh that's perfect, Let's get through the book and see your ability.

Balloon: Hey princess Beth. I have a question.

Beth: Yes?

Balloon: Do you remember my uncle.

Beth: Oh, Your uncle. Well him and I used to be friends. We tell our emotions and our relationship. After we got older we interacted with each other and fell in love and there was a war from my dad and me. But since then I became a goddess and can't return to him and that where you came along.

Balloon: Woah. Well it was always my uncle and me and we went on a lot of adventures together. I feel like my uncle is like a father figure to me and I don't have any parents.

Beth: Why not?

Balloon: I don't know. My uncle doesn't want to talk about it. And often find an excuse to talk about something else.

Freddy: I'll go back to work. Have fun you two.

Beth: [shook her head] Why don't we go to the roof of the castle and see the sunset. It could be a lot of fun.

Balloon: There's a roof top?

Beth: Yeah, The view is lovely when the moon is out.

Balloon: Okay!

[In the afternoon]

Balloon: Wow, This place is so amazing! You can see the view of the town.

Beth: Yeah it's beautiful to see the sea and the hills. This is where I see the view when I'm thinking or having a bit of trouble.

Balloon: You too?

Beth: huh?

Balloon: I do that too. Every time I need to think I just stand on the balcony of my home and think about my problems.

Beth : Wow, We sure have things in common.

Balloon: Yeah. Since when did you meet my uncle?

Beth: When I was 7 years old and I just introduced myself. My anxiety was trembling and thought I would mess up. It's been ages since I saw him. What would he think of me now...

Balloon: Well I think someday you meet him when I get older. But I have another question.

Beth: Yes?

Balloon: Do you miss your family? Loved ones, someone you care?

Beth:[....] I do. I miss my family. I missed them so much. But I don't want to talk about it.

Balloon: Oh. I miss my family too. If our family met us then everything will go back to normal.

Beth: [Chuckle] I consider you a family. Thank you for being here with me.

Balloon: Your welcome. I'm thankful for being here with you too.

(The end of episode one )

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