1- Contrast (opposites attract) - jinkook

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Prompt: Jin and Jeongguk, sworn enemies, are chosen to prepare the company Christmas Party.


It's not that Seokjin had something particular against Jeon Jeongguk, per se. The younger male had arrived at SUGA Ent. a few months ago, freshly out of uni with a nice diploma in hand, as a member of the digital marketing team. The kid had been hired on the spot by Hyunah from HR — after validation from their CEO Min Yoongi, of course. Jeon Jeongguk's CV was impressive, Seokjin had to give him that. He had graduated a valedictorian with a double major in business and digital marketing and had previously done an internship at Jung Ent. and completed his apprenticeship at MARIA Studios. Sunmi, their marketing director, had jokingly called her newest recruit "the Golden Boy" once, and the nickname had stuck as easily as gum on the sole of a shoe. Everyone liked Jeongguk — and granted, he was very likeable. A friendly face that could break into cute smiles that made him scrunch his nose, lovely dark hair that curled when it was a tad too long, a lean an athletic body that suggested the kid liked to go to the gym— Jeon Jeongguk was pleasant both by his polite manners and to the eye. Which was maybe what irritated Seokjin.

Not that Seokjin had anything to be ashamed of — and swept under the tarp — himself. The man was the production team manager, some successes to his name — like Taemin's "Danger" or IU's "Palette" comebacks, to name only a few — and had been blessed by the gods, or more likely, his mother's genes, with the good looks one should expect from a successful and single twenty-five-year-old man working in the entertainment industry.

If you were to ask him, Seokjin didn't feel threatened by Jeongguk's appearance at the workplace. Again, the kid had done nothing to him — yet — specifically. But Seokjin was, admittedly, a bit jealous of the general attention the younger had gotten since his arrival — attention that had been previously directed at him. Yeah, that was a bit petty from his part, but Seokjin would get over it eventually. As long as his interactions with Jeon Jeongguk were kept to the bare minimum. But, of course, things never seemed to go his way.


"What do you mean?" Seokjin's eyebrow twitched imperceptibly, as if the guy was holding back a full frown — and he probably was.

"I think the audience would go crazy over additional content and teasers", Jeongguk repeated, barely holding a sigh himself. Seokjin was not the only one battling with his patience. "Think about it, Chungha has never had a full length album until now. We should go upscale. Let out a reality TV show of about ten episodes, some of them with the featuring artists, and upload them on streaming sites. On her V-Live channel, on our Youtube channel. Five episodes prior the comeback, five episodes after the comeback — those will most likely be the ones with the featuring artists, and then can discuss their track, how they came up with it, et cetera."

"That's actually a good idea", his superior Sunmi chimed in, ever the mediator.

"But the schedule is a bit tight already", Sandeul, a member of Seokjin's team, mused. "Chungha's comeback is in four weeks. Even if we start filming next week, we'd have to wait at least three days for the edited files, and we have to film everything before the comeback. Chungha will be too busy with the promotions after."

"It's a tight fit", Jeongguk conceded, "but we can still make it! Also, if we take care of the subtitles ourselves, we can reach her global fans quicker, and once the word will be out on social media, she will gain new followers, and her fanbase will grow."

"Jeongguk", Seokjin managed to give him a tight-lipped smile, "I appreciate your eagerness in proposing, uh, an ambitious and rentable solution, but I'm not sure we will have the time to wrap everything until D-Day."

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