5- Jjajangmyeon, chocolate cake and soju - jikook

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Prompt: Jimin and Jungkook are coworkers, but they barely know each other. But they both have to work through the holidays.


"Guk, thank you, really", Namjoon patted Jeongguk's back sympathetically, looking equally relieved and apologetic.

"It's okay, Boss", he smiled, and he really meant it. "I have nowhere to be on Christmas anyway. Plus, you're giving me all my days off of this year for New Year's Eve."

"That I am", Namjoon nodded. "Also, if you don't take them now, they can't be reported on next year's balance. So it's a win-win situation."

"You're the best boss", Jeongguk patted Namjoon's shoulder as well before granting the guy his trademark toothy grin. "I'm going to miss you, Hyung. But the night shift was starting to take a toll on your private life. You deserve to spend some time with your family."

"Yeah, sorry to abandon you like this", Namjoon apologised again, and Jeongguk just rolled his eyes. "But Jimin is a very amiable partner, too. You'll see, I get the feeling that the two of you will get along just fine."

"We'll see. You better go now, or else your wife will get mad at you again."

"Shoot, you're right", Namjoon sighed, grabbing his coat and his set of keys. "Better go before Yoonji beheads me or something."

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to lose the best boss I've ever had over a couple's fight."

"Yah, brat, you know flattery won't make your pay bigger, right?"

"You do you mean?" Jeongguk asked in mock offense, putting a hand over his heart dramatically. "I'm just speaking my honest mind."

"Smooth talker, hmm. Well, I'd better go. Jimin should arrive any minute now." Namjoon, his coat in place on his large shoulders to shield him from the cold, turned around just before opening the door of the security control room. "Okay, I'm off! Thanks again, Guk."

"Have a nice holiday, Namjoon-hyung", the younger male replied softly and more seriously, in contrast to their casual banter. "Say hi to Yoonji-noonim and little Yoongi for me!"

Namjoon smiled one last time before stepping out, leaving his colleague and subordinate alone in front of the dozens of lit screens. Jeongguk let out a small sigh. It was almost ten. Most employees had gone home already, leaving the building all dark and void of activity. Going back to their families, or their lover, or maybe just their pet. Many of them had probably taken some days off for the holidays, like Namjoon had, in order to spend Christmas with their family, or their loved ones. Or maybe even with friends. People whose company they enjoyed. Or even some they didn't really appreciate — in family dinner cliché scenes he'd seen on TV, there was always a no-fun uncle, a racist grandma or a petulant nephew around.

The click of the door opening then closing brought him back to reality. Jeongguk turned his eyes from the wall of screens to the entrance of the room, only to see a silhouette wrapped in a thick coat, a beanie, what looked like a long-ass scarf, and black thick gloves holding a few plastic bags. There was a backpack leisurely hanging from one of his shoulders. The newcomer mumbled a muffled "Hello!" before putting the bags on their catering table and proceeding to take off his winter attire, revealing a rosy nose and equally rosy cheeks, plump lips, a blond tuft of hair, small hands and wrists covered in rings and bracelets, a finally, a sturdy and undoubtedly muscular body clad in all back. The jeans seemed like they were going to burst around the thighs area, and the t-shirt the guy was wearing — under an opened woolen jacket that stopped mid-thigh — was tight enough that it could tease a hint of defined pecs and killer abs. Jeongguk blinked. Once. Twice. Then he lifted his eyes up to the guy's face, and blushed when he realised he'd been staring blankly at his torso for god knows how long.

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