13- You listen to my voice so I wanna hear yours - yoonmin

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Prompt: Jimin's little sibling/child wants to meet their favourite celebrity/writer/person for Christmas. Yoongi is said "Christmas present".


Most six-year-old kids liked to watch cartoons on the TV, but Namjoon was not like most kids. He had learnt how to read before his peers, his curiosity over books an endearing trait that Jimin had wanted to indulge. His son was quiet and didn't run around like most kids. He much preferred reading books "without pictures, just like grown-ups' books", and he loved to listen to Jimin's old radio post that was perched up on the cupboard in their kitchen. Jimin and Namjoon's favourite programme was Kkul FM, hosted by a guy named Suga and airing every Friday at 9pm. Namjoon had special permission to stay up later than usual so he could listen to it with Jimin.

Although he was a single parent swamped up with work more often than not, Jimin knew it was important to still find some time to bond with his child, and Kkul FM was always an incredible bonding moment between him and Namjoon. He supposed he had Suga to thank for that, mainly. As much as Kkul FM was a "grown-up" programme, Namjoon and Jimin liked it because Suga would spend an entire hour playing soft songs he liked and reading and answering concerns people sent him at the radio station of their small town.

Jimin didn't know the guy personally, of course, but he liked to think Suga was a good listener. His voice was deep and a bit gravelly with a soothing edge to it that was definitely fitted for radio shows. His tone expressed a variety of genuine emotions; his audience could hear the pain in his voice when he read the most worrisome questions, the care when he gave his thoughts on them, or the genuine relief and joy when he read the occasional updates about concerns that had been mentioned in a previous session.

The stories Suga picked and shared were varied, and his answers were thoughtful, the MC always reminding that what he was saying was just mostly his personal opinion and that people were free to disagree or to not listen to his advice. Namjoon was fascinated by grown-up concerns, even if he didn't always understand everything, and Jimin would always take time to explain the stories once more and answer his child's questions in the following days. That always led up to great conversations between him and his kid. Jimin was always amazed at the maturity Namjoon displayed from his six years of life, sometimes more so than some adults he would talk to.

Indeed, Kkul FM allowed Jimin to have thorough discussions about life with his son and to witness his ever-growing thoughtfulness and openness to a world he would soon enough have to evolve in on his own. Jimin was grateful to Suga and to Kkul FM because it was in moments like these that he was reminded of how precious Namjoon was, and how he truly loved his son from the bottom of his heart. Jimin was a single dad struggling with parenting no one had prepared him for and trying to cheat time to work tedious hours at his job and still be present in his child's life. Namjoon was a sweetheart and never caused Jimin trouble, and even if a part of Jimin was always feeling guilty and insecure, another, bigger part of him knew he would do absolutely anything and everything for his child. Which is why, when Namjoon wished to meet Mr. Suga from Kkul FM as a Christmas gift in his handwritten letter to Santa, Jimin knew he had to contact the guy by all means.

It hadn't been hard to find Suga's contact on the radio station's website. The guy had a Twitter set up specifically for KKul FM, as well as a PO box for the people who were too shy to reach out or who weren't keen on social media. Jimin decided to go for the Twitter DMs, as his request wasn't really something that needed to be discussed during Kkul FM, and that DMs made exchanges faster. When he was faced with Suga's chat interface, though, he paused. How was he going to formulate it? How could he possibly summarise in a casual but polite message how much Namjoon loved him and how much they enjoyed listening to his programme and how much it meant for Jimin, and how— Okay, stop. Jimin was getting too deep into his head, as he tended to do. In the end, he decided to snap a picture of Namjoon's letter and captioned it with a simple message:

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