9- For the sake of the Christmas spirit - sope

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Prompt: Yoongi vows to do something nice for a stranger during the Christmas time. Hoseok is that stranger.


Yoongi knew he had somewhat a grumpy and closed-off image. That came with the fact that, as an introvert, he didn't strike random conversations with strangers, or colleagues, or friends of friends during gatherings. He also didn't care much about what people could think about him; their back-handed comments and hushed whispers slipped over him like raindrops on an outdoor waterproof tarp. He didn't smile a lot, because it just wasn't his personality. That didn't mean he wasn't happy or nice. He was nice to children, and to elderly people, and to his poor pregnant neighbour whose bastard boyfriend had fled as soon as she'd started to show. Yoongi knew her parents had both passed away, and now she was alone with an unborn baby, and she had to work to make enough money for their incoming future together while facing the harsh judging stares of society. Yoongi made sure to leave her some extra groceries that she might have needed once a week when he came back from his own grocery shopping trip with a nice note. Sometimes, Yoongi thought, if he'd been straight, he would have maybe asked her out, because Jieun was really pretty and exuded strength despite her small, almost fragile frame, that forced admiration out of anyone who took the time to know her. But Yoongi was gay, had always been gay, therefore he would stay Jieun's nice and quiet neighbour on the verge of becoming a nice and quiet friend.

Yoongi, when he was spacing out or exhausted or sleepy, had what Jin liked to call a resting bitch face. Which didn't help attracting people, in Jin's opinion. Yoongi didn't really mind not attracting people, actually, but it seemed to be a real shame in his friend's book. Jin insisted that, with his unfriendly face and his all-black mostly leather-y clothes, Yoongi came off as lackadaisical at best, and as unapproachable and scary at worst. And the less than enthusiastic way he took part in a conversation with whoever would talk to him whenever Jin dragged him out his house to "socialise outside of work" would drive away the few strangers that had approached him.

Anyone else would have given up and let things stay as they were. But Kim Seokjin was not "anyone else", so he kept bugging Yoongi to meet people on a regular basis. And when Yoongi insisted that he didn't need many people in his life, really, Jin would only scoff and poke him in the ribs — one of the man's many annoying habits that Yoongi had grown accustomed to.

"Everyone needs people in their life, Yoongi. Loneliness doesn't suit anyone."

"I don't feel particularly lonely, though. I have you, and Holly, and Jieun-ssi."

"First of all, Jieun-ssi is going to be really busy once her child is born. You two don't really hang out now, as it is, so when she's going to have to take care of the baby, you'll see each other even less."

"I told her I'd watch her kid anytime she needs me to."

"Yeah, but that means you still won't see her much. Second of all, Holly is a dog."

"So what?"

"That's not really company, Yoongi."

"Are you saying my Holly is not proper company?"

"No, you know I love that little angel as much as you do, I'm just saying Holly is not, for all he is, human company. And you need human company."

"Well, as I said, I have you. You've been incredibly persistent throughout college and after, so I'm assuming you're here to stay, Hyung."

"You bet. But as amazing as I am, I am only human, too. If something ever happens to me, if I have to move because of my job, I don't know, you'll be all alone. And I don't want you to be alone, Yoongi. That's why you need friends, other than me and Jieun-ssi."

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