18- Let's save Christmas one final time - minimoni

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Prompt: Namjoon and Jimin have to save Christmas.


Many people wouldn't have thought Jimin and Namjoon would get along that well, let alone be lovers. Jimin was all bright smiles and uncontrollable giggles while Namjoon was all fond chuckles and silent laughs. Jimin was constant bursts of unbridled energy while Namjoon was a constant flow of reassuring or comforting aura. Jimin was a social butterfly and the university's heartthrob, Namjoon was the sexy academic type with an endearing nerdy side. Jimin was small and precious, Namjoon was tall and lanky — although Jimin was also all defined muscles and Namjoon was becoming buffer by the day ever since he'd started working out.

They were different, yet similar in many ways. Namjoon, when surrounded by the right people, could transform into a loud dork with chaotic energy. Jimin had a more subdued side that he didn't show to many people. They both had met through mutual friends and they had bonded over Korean dramas, poetry books, afternoon walks and biking sessions along the Han river, SUGA's (much underrated) mixtapes and The Lord of the Rings universe.

Now years later after graduation, they were still very much in love and living happily together. They had moved to a smaller city, Seoul much too busy for their likings. Jimin was working as a teacher and caretaker at the local orphanage and Namjoon was the city's librarian as well as a novelist. The thing about Jimin and Namjoon was that, for all their differences, they completed each other in ways no one ever could. If Jimin was great at cooking, Namjoon was great at doing the dishes. If Jimin was great at making new acquaintances, Namjoon was great at making them stay and become close friends. If Jimin was great at cheering people up by offering a much needed distraction, Namjoon was great at listening and offering a comforting shoulder to cry on. And if Namjoon was a good writer, Jimin was a good story teller.

It had started in the most natural way. Jimin, who was tired of reading the same three stories to the kids at the orphanage, had been trying to come up with a story of his own. The problem was that Jimin was a perfectionist, and his writing never seemed good enough. The plot was too complicated, the characters either too complex or too bland, the messages too boring. Jimin was not satisfied. Namjoon had to eventually intervene so that his lover wouldn't lose his sleep, his appetite and his nerves over it.

"I can write them, if you want", the taller man had gently taken Jimin's small hands in his much bigger ones. "You don't have to go through this alone. We can make a team! I can write whatever ideas you have, and then we can ask Taehyung or Jeongguk to draw some cute illustrations for the kids, and you'll read them our stories during Book Time. You've always been such a great story teller, Jimin. I'd be honoured if you could read the stories we wrote together to the kids."

And thus, it had been settled. Namjoon and Jimin had written a couple of stories, their most popular at the orphanage being "Jin, the boy on the Moon" and "Let's dance when the sun shines on the sunflowers". Their friend Hyejin, another caretaker at the orphanage, had given them the contact of her cousin who worked as an editor, seeing that their stories had potential. The publishing company seemed decent enough, and the editor in chief seemed reliable. Things were being discussed between the company and the two of them, as well as Taehyung and Jeongguk — as illustrators, they were automatically included in the discussions concerning royalties and printing.

This year, Jimin and Namjoon had decided to challenge themselves by writing a short theatre play for the kids. It was a heartfelt story about people trying to revive Christmas by looking for the Christmas spirit, and eventually saving Christmas. They had decided to give a couple representations at the library, in the conference room on the ground floor, on Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons in December, until Christmas. The kids from the orphanage would be invited, and the rest of the audience — families with young children, most likely — would pay as they felt. The actors were none other than Jimin, Namjoon, Hyejin, Taehyung and Eunji, another caretaker, themselves. The funds would mostly go to the orphanage and a small percentage would go to the library, so it was mainly charity work. Jimin and Namjoon were more than happy to lead this project. The initiative had been well-received by the mayor and the headmistress of the orphanage. The former had even accepted to take care of eighty-percent of their expenses, which actually weren't much because their little team was keen on upcycling, recycling and waste management.

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