3- White hot chocolate with caramel and extra cream - namseok

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Prompt: Hoseok works as a Santa's helper. Namjoon has a small sibling/child.


Contrary to popular belief when it came to that kind of work, Hoseok liked being a Santa's helper. He didn't mind the kids; in fact, he loved them. Children were the future, children were still innocent and had an unbiased view of the world — a much more poetic and simpler view than any adult could have. At twenty-three, Hoseok didn't think he'd completely lost his childhood spirit, but he certainly couldn't see the world with such childlike wonder anymore. Which is why he liked being in contact with children. The tiny humans reminded him what it was like, to see the world from barely a meter tall. It was as if they lived in a world of their own, a world within their world, and Hoseok was ever grateful when some of its little inhabitants allowed him to cross the magic gates, once again.

Hoseok had also always been good with children. Growing up, he had played with probably every kid in the neighbourhood. He had always taken care of his younger siblings. Eunji was barely two years younger than him, so it had been a bit rocky sometimes, but Wheein and Jeongguk were respectively eight and ten years younger than him, so he had been old enough to treat them like the dream-like brother he aspired to be. When their father had passed away — after a long battle against cancer — Jeongguk was only two. Their mother had taken another job, as now the sole breadwinner of their little family, and had trusted Hoseok and Eunji to look after her youngest children. Hoseok had taken them to school, to the park, to the doctor, and even to the pool once he'd come of age. He'd play with his siblings and their little friends, and everyone loved him.

Before their father's passing, their parents used to take Hoseok and Eunji to the fair that always settled in their neighbourhood in summer, and to the Christmas village in winter. Those places held precious memories and genuine laughters, and, undoubtedly, a bit of magic. Which is why Hoseok and Eunji liked to take Wheein and Jeonggkuk there as well, to perpetuate their little family traditions. And it was also why, when Hoseok was old enough to take a part-time job, he'd volunteered to help at the fair and at the Christmas village.

Hoseok was too young and good-looking — at least, according to his boss, old Ms. Choi — to be disguised as a Santa. "It'd be a waste to cover up this handsome face and that beautiful smile", she'd teased. Plus, Hoseok had been blessed with good vocals, so he'd be assigned as a Santa's helper. In practice, that meant he would be dressed as some sort of Christmas elf, scouting children and their parents ambling around the village to take a picture with Santa Klaus — real name: Mr. Choi, aged fifty-two, and dear husband of the aforementioned Ms. Choi — and singing the occasional Christmas carol to attract people.

Which is currently what he was doing, along with his colleagues Christmas elves Seokjin and Jimin, making silly dances and harmonising a heartfelt rendition of "Joy to the World" — despite none of them being Christians but hey, music could be enjoyed without being associated with the religion. The three of them had rapidly overcome whatever lingering shame or nerves they might have had, because the delighted laughters of the tiny humans joining them in silly dancing bore no price.

Once the song was finished, Jin and Jimin ushered the families in the queue to take pictures with the good-hearted Mr. Santa Klaus while Hoseok was taking his morning break. There was a little chalet a few meters away from their booth that was serving snacks and hot beverages, and his friend Seulgi was currently on her shift, so Hoseok made his way to the chalet and got in line.

"The usual?" Seulgi asked when she saw him. Hoseok gave her a playful wink.

"You know it."

"Coming right up", she smiled.

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