16- Your cherry on top, the icing on my cake - vmin

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Prompt: Jimin bakes too many Christmas cookies so he shares them with Taehyung.


Jimin looked at the plates filled with cookies stacked on top of each other on his kitchen counter. He glanced at the recipe Jin had given him, checking the dosages again. "For three to four people", the printed words read. Now, Jimin kind of had a sweet tooth, and recipes always exaggerate the number of people their dosages are for, right? Well, apparently not this recipe, because all the Christmas cookies Jimin had just baked could feed at least eight people. And Jimin's sweet tooth didn't overcome his stomach's capacities. Those cookies would probably last him the entire week, if he fed on them only. And by the end of the week, the biscuits would have gone bad. Well, not "bad", per se, but definitely not as cracky. The icing would have dried and maybe chipped a bit, as well. And Jimin would probably pass out from the sugary overload, or suffer from indigestion.

No, he couldn't possibly eat them all, he thought, and he refused to let those Christmas cookies he'd spent so much time baking and decorating with care go to waste. He just had to share them with someone, then. And in his friend group, the only one whose sweet tooth could match his was Taehyung. His friend was a sucker for homemade treats, as well. He'd definitely be happy, and if there was something Jimin lived for, it was a happy Taehyung. It was an excellent idea, he decided. With a smile, Jimin started to put some of the best-looking cookies into a little food container.

Taehyung lived only a few blocks away, and the weather was cold but sunny, the sky a bright blue with no clouds in sight. The air was still, no wind to seep into your clothes and chill every one of your bones. Thus, Jimin decided to walk. He dressed warmly, burying himself under his beanie, scarf, gloves and heavy coat, before placing the container in a tote bag with his phone, wallet and keys.

The walk from Jimin's place to Tae's was pleasant. Jimin had stumbled upon his neighbour Namjoon on the way, the man coming back from a walk with his dog Moni who seemed to adore Jimin for some reason. The two men made small talk as Jimin was petting the white dog affectionately. Then he resumed his journey to Taehyung's apartment. He didn't know if his friend was there, but he knew the codes for the building and for his apartment by heart, so Jimin decided to just let himself in.

The apartment was silent when he unlocked the door. That didn't really come off as weird to Jimin because Taehyung was probably taking a nap or something. Jimin would either wake him up, or snuggle under the blankets with his friend, or simply slump on Taehyung's couch and watch TV until the other male woke up. Jimin took off his shoes and placed them neatly on the tarp in the hallway, then peeled off all of his layers without haste, taking the time to observe the silent surroundings that had become so familiar.

Taehyung and he had met in college, and they had been best friends ever since. Jin and Yoongi liked to call them "soulmates", and Jimin found the title really fitting. Kim Taehyung was precious to him in ways no one, not even himself, would ever be able to fully comprehend. And Taehyung had assured him countless times that he was feeling the same towards Jimin. The relationship they shared was beyond anything they'd both expected when they first spoke to each other, but neither of them minded the way it had evolved. Sure, there had been a few fights at the beginning of their friendship, words and acts that had really hurt like a bitch, but everything was fine now, and they wouldn't have had it any other way. Jimin and Taehyung truly belonged together.

Jimin went to the kitchen and retrieved a plate from one of the cupboards. He'd started to place the Christmas cookies on it, careful not to smudge the icing, when he heard a faint whimper coming from further inside the apartment. The boy froze in place, thinking he might have imagined the noise. But then another whimper resonated in the otherwise silent apartment, louder, clearer. Jimin frowned, concerned. He abandoned his stack of treats and trudged carefully to the bedroom. Was Taehyung having a nightmare? Was he in pain? What if he was sick and lying in bed, burning up with fever?

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