17- The short straw for the best Christmas - 2seok

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Prompt: Hoseok has to dress up as Santa for Christmas.


The second Seokjin and Hoseok landed their eyes on Jimin, they knew the three of them were meant to be. The three-year-old was absolutely adorable, with chubby cheeks and a bubbly personality. He was well-behaved, too, and had surprised the adults with some smart questions or remarks on more than one occasion. He had his moody phases, like everyone had, quiet but cold sulking rather than boisterous sobs and pools of tears, but Jimin was overall a sweet child.

After four months of continuous visits to the orphanage and all the paperwork finally signed, Seokjin and Hoseok had taken Jimin in as their son. The transition, which had been feared by the couple, went as smoothly as it could. They really loved Jimin with all their heart and would do everything to ensure the boy's happiness. And their friends had been delighted to meet their "nephew" and spoil him rotten as well.

"He's adorable!" Taehyung had cooed, pinching his little cheeks and earning giggly protests from the child.

Namjoon had categorically refused to hold Jimin at first, because "He's so tiny, Hyung! What if I drop him or something?" but once he'd been seated on the far back in one of their sofas, Jimin had climbed on his lap and hadn't moved until the History teacher had to go back home. Jimin had taken a liking to all of their friends, but Namjoon had seemingly been his favourite uncle, the toddler even tearing up a little as the man retrieved his coat. That left Taehyung and Jeongguk to compete for the "second favourite uncle" spot.

Now almost a year later, Jimin had totally adapted to his new environment. He sometimes asked questions about the orphanage he'd come from, and adoption, and his biological parents. Seokjin and Hoseok, who were firm believers of open conversations and honesty especially around those kinds of subjects, were always happy to answer their little boy's questions. They were considering adopting another child, having already gone to the orphanage a few times, and had talked about it with Jimin who was more than eager at the perspective of having a little brother or a little sister one day. On top of that, Jieun, Jeongguk's wife, was currently pregnant and it had really intrigued Jimin. The four-year-old hadn't stopped asking questions since she'd started to show, and Namjoon had been the designated adult —— the guy had drawn the short straw — to run Jimin through his first talk about the birds and the bees.

("Why birds and bees? Why not dinosaurs and asteroids?"

"I... honestly have no idea, sweetheart.")

Jieun was due in early March, and that was the second event Jimin was eagerly waiting for at the moment. The first one, of course, was Christmas. And as December had fallen just like snow upon the city, Christmas was all the little boy had been talking about.

"It's the first Christmas I can spend with Appa and Papa!"

Seokjin (Papa) and Hoseok (Appa) had totally cried a little at their son's enthusiastic words. Their little boy was so precious. It was going to be their first Christmas all together, and the two fathers were determined to make it unforgettable. They usually celebrated Christmas, but their implication consisted in fairy lights on their balcony, a heartfelt meal and the gift exchange — plus a full night of slow and passionate love-making, a tradition they might have to drop or tone down a little now that Jimin was living with them.

But this year was going to be different. They had revived their Christmas spirit, which had been lying dormant these past few years, and bought a Christmas tree — a plastic one that they would be able to reuse in the next years — and some decorations. They had put fairy lights all over the flat and on the balcony. Jin had bought a Christmas wreath that he'd helped Jimin attach to their front door. Hoseok had been blasting Christmas carols in the living room almost every evening, to Jimin's utter delight, and they could often be seen dancing and singing together. The three of them had also baked Christmas cookies in the form of gingerbread men, candy canes and stars, with icing on it, and had given some to their friends and neighbours. They had helped Jimin writing his letter to Santa as well, so Seokjin and Hoseok had stressed over the gifts they would get for Jimin in the secrecy of their bedroom, but Taehyung and Jieun had come to the rescue and now everybody had a designated gift to buy for the little boy.

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