23- You're my Christmas miracle - namjin

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Prompt: Namjoon owns a struggling toy store. Jin is looking for a Christmas present.


If you were to ask Kim Namjoon, he didn't really care about being successful as long as he was happy. He'd found his happiness in starting his own business, a toy store like ones you could find in fairy tales or hidden in the old districts of European cities, charged with unfathomable stories and fond memories.

He had started his business fresh out of university, and it had gone well for about ten years. There was something magical in the "old" theme of the shop, Namjoon preferring wood, soft hangings and diffuse yellow lights rather than sleek counters, glass and white neon lights. But in this ever-evolving world where big words like "technology" and "progress" were praised to the skies as if those were going to bring salvation to humanity, to the detriment of a crumbling nature, Namjoon's shop was an oddity that didn't clearly belong anymore. Human contact was being abandoned for the likes of digital interactions; click-and-collect, store-to-web, and delivery were now the trend. In all practicality, that meant lesser people were coming to Namjoon's store. His products, while not ancient, weren't the newest console or the trendiest toy. Children didn't believe in magic anymore. Namjoon's shop was obsolete.

There was an irony, definitely, in the name of his shop. Namjoon sometimes thought bitterly that he must have been gifted with clairvoyance, because otherwise no one in their right mind would call their toy store "Everything Goes". He had had a little practised spiel, at one point, to explain the name of his shop, but no one had asked him in a long time, and Namjoon himself had forgotten. Everything had gone alright for a while, and everything went, and everything would go, and Namjoon's shop was just a blinking comet passing the night sky of the flow of time. Everything came and everything went, and Namjoon's shop and Namjoon himself were no different.


When Seokjin pushed the wooden door of the shop open, a little bell chimed and the comforting scent of cinnamon travelled to his nose. He walked in, curious, the door shutting itself behind him and prompting another chime. There was no one at the counter. He inspected the shelves for a while, smiling at the old kind of toys displayed there. Bear and bunny plushies, wooden cubes painted in all the colours of the rainbow, wooden puppets, toy cars, and other things that brought Seokjin memories back from his own childhood. He was inspecting a teddy bear when the noise of someone coming down the stairs at his right made him lift his head up.

A man emerged from the staircase, a plate in hand. He startled upon seeing Seokjin and almost dropped his plate, but Seokjin, who had been blessed with fast reflexes, stabilised it before any disaster could happen.

"I'm very sorry!" the man bowed, a light blush adorning his cheeks. "I thought— I didn't mean to startle you."

"I should be the one saying that", Seokjin replied with a smile. His eyes fell on the plate he was partially holding. Steaming cinnamon rolls were piled up on the plate, the sugary treats smelling like home and old memories to Seokjin. "Were you baking those?"

"A-Ah, well, yes", the stranger scratched the back of his head. "It was a calm day and I was craving something sweet, so..." His words faded a bit as he looked at Seokjin, almost as if he was waiting for a scolding. Seokjin didn't know why he would scold the man, though. If anything, he would coo and praise him on the baking. Also, this man looked adorable with his small dimples and abashed smile.

"You have a kitchen up there?" he decided to ask instead, if only to make conversation, because the man's voice was smooth and soft and terribly enticing.

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