11- 기다릴께 (Gidarilkkae - I'll wait for you) - jinmin

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Prompt: Jin and Jimin broke up, but now they meet at a Christmas Party.


To say that Jin and Jimin had been happy as a couple would have been an understatement. The three years they'd spent together had consisted of mostly bliss and connivance, of tender kisses and hushed whispers under the moonlight, of occasional vehement fights and passionate love-making. Jin and Jimin were humans, of course, so they had their qualities and their faults, but everyone who knew them could see they were "a match made in heaven." They respected each other's boundaries, worked around each other's flaws and balanced out each other's shortcomings. So it came as an utterly devastating surprise to everyone when Jin and Jimin announced they were breaking up a few days after Jimin's college graduation.

That mutual decision came after a string of thorough discussions and a sizeable amount of tears, but above all, it only showed the amount of maturity Jin and Jimin displayed themselves, which reinforced the respect of those who held them in high esteem. The two of them were simply taking different paths after a few years of sharing a road together. The main — well, sole reason for their break-up was professional. Jimin was supposed to move in with Jin after graduation and apply to dance companies or labels as a junior choreographer, but he'd gotten an offer from a US crew that specialised in contemporary ballet. They had been entranced by the videos of the various showcases his university had held throughout the years, especially his graduation performance, and were determined to sign him for at least two years.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Jin knew how Jimin liked contemporary ballet more than any other genre, and while he was not a bad choreographer in any way, the younger belonged on the stage, basking in shimmering lights and enthusiastic applause. They had had long discussions about it; Jin and Hoseok, one of their friends who had been Jimin's sunbae in university, had reasoned that Jimin could very well apply for jobs as a choreographer upon his return. Spending time abroad with a foreign dance crew was a major opportunity in a dancer's career and would greatly benefit his experience on stage as well as his curriculum vitae. Two years abroad was long, but it was nothing compared to the rest of his life.

The thing was, Jin and Jimin loved each other too much to bear the burden of a long-distance relationship. They had both had previous negative experiences relating to that, and they cherished their relationship too much to see it wither away and end in nothing but pain, resentment, anger, regrets and tears. So they had decided to break things off. They would need some time, probably, but they were both confident that they could still interact as good friends for the next two years. Their affection for one another wouldn't change in the slightest, only their label and the exclusivity would have disappeared. Jin and Jimin would be free to see other people, and if they happened to find someone else they would fall in love with— well, their history as lovers would be definitely over. Not that it was a bad thing, necessarily, but it was a predicament neither of them, nor their friends or families, could honestly picture.

So, after having explained everything to their friends, they had parted ways. Jimin was supposed to leave after Spring break was over, and they had both decided to spend it with their families and to not see each other. Jin had taken some time off of work to go back to Gwacheon as well, because Seoul without Jimin was too much of an abrupt change for his heart and his sanity. Jimin had gone back to Busan to say goodbye to his father, grandmother, step-mother, and younger brother Jeongguk. Then he would pack and leave for California, where he would spend the next two years of his life with his half-brother Woosung. Their mother was also in Cali, living with her new husband.

Their mother had had Woosung right after high school after a random one-night stand. She'd chosen to keep the baby and had been working hard when she'd met Jimin's dad. They had married when Woosung was three, and Jimin was born a year later. The four of them had lived in Busan peacefully for a while, but then their parents had got a divorce. Their mother got custody of twelve-year-old Woosung, and Jimin's father got custody of eight-year-old Jimin. Then their mother fell in love with an American businessman who was an expat in Seoul; she and Woosung followed him to California when it was time for him to go back home. Jimin's dad, in the meantime, had met another woman and Jeongguk was born when Jimin was ten.

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