8- Can't fake the real - namkook

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Prompt: Jeongguk's ex will be at the Christmas Party Jeongguk is attending. Namjoon poses as Jeongguk's fiancé.


"You do realise that it's an incredibly stupid idea, right?" Taehyung's unimpressed voice resonated through his phone's speaker. Jeongguk glared at his best friend, trying to convey his frustration through their weekly video call.

"Do I look like I have a better solution?" the younger countered, shoving a half-heartedly folded sweater on a random shelf in his closet. He was in the process of tidying his bedroom because his brother was going to pick him up soon — and Jin would undoubtedly chastise him if he looked at the state Jeongguk's room currently was in.

"Yes. You could just go to that party without a plus one. There's no shame in being single, Jeongguk. I'm single myself, and I'm living a totally normal life."

"You don't have to meet your ex at Jimin's party in two weeks", Jeongguk deadpanned, now pairing up his clean socks.

"I don't see how that is a problem. I mean", Taehyung added before Jeongguk could sputter indignantly and give him at least five different reasons why this was a problem, "I know you guys didn't break up on good terms, but don't you think you're being a bit dramatic?"

"Listen, the last time we saw each other, he told me that I was still as immature and irresponsible as ever, and that it was no wonder I was single — I don't even know how he knew I was single. Yugyeom must have told him."

"Yugyeom should really learn to shut it, sometimes", Taehyung commented off-handedly. "Okay, that wasn't nice—"

"That bastard was shoving my singleness in my face, Taehyung!" Jeongguk exclaimed, throwing his socks — now paired up and folded in tiny bundles — in his open drawer. "All while flaunting his new boyfriend— what was his name, I can't even remember. Mingyeol? Mingyu? Whatever."

"Sounds like he just wanted to make you jealous, Guk", Taehyung sighed. "Does it bother you that much, what he thinks of you?"

"No, that asshole can go step on a Lego if he wants, I don't care!"

"Then why are you so keen on showing him you're not single at the moment?"

"I'm—" Jeongguk paused, frowning. His best friend waited patiently for him to organise his thoughts and come up with an answer. "It's just... I don't really care what he says, but I don't want him to think he's, I don't know, better than me or something. He always made it sound like I was the one dragging our relationship down. He called me a hassle, Taehyung. Like I was a fucking burden for everyone that would never find someone because I was just too... Too, I don't know. Too much? Too immature?"

"Oh, Guk... you know you're none of those things, though, right?"

"I know, it's just— Ugh." Jeongguk flopped on his bed with a groan.

"It still sucks to feel insecure sometimes, because of those things", Taehyung supplied helpfully. "I get you."

"That's why I want to show him that I can do it. That I'm perfectly capable of having a boyfriend even with all my, my flaws."

"Do you want to prove it to him, or do you want to prove it to yourself?" Taehyung asked gently, sounding as if he already knew the answer — both of them knew, honestly.

"A bit of both, I suppose."

"But it's not like you did actively look for a partner ever since the two of you broke up, Jeongguk. You had some flings, sure, but you were mostly swamped with work. You were busy creating choreographies for rookie idols and teaching dance to trainees. Nobody would have found the time to date with your insane schedule. I had to call Hoseok to check up on you and make sure you still ate at least once a day", Taehyung reminded him.

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