Monday Night Raw in Abandoned Classrooms

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Thinking it would be a normal Friday, Matthew- preferably Matt, maybe even Mattie if you'd like- jogged up the steps to Shermer High, skateboard in hand. Their Walkman still played, for now it was Metallica, as she made her way in and over to their locker, number 666 was theirs, she had switched with the kid who had it after a bribe of two blunts and a piece of gum. Opening the locker, she shoved her skateboard in but kept the leather jacket on so she could get away with having the crumpled pack of menthols on them.

Instead of dragging their feet to first hour, they decide to drag their feet to the bathroom instead. After reaching the bathroom, nodding to a couple friends already smoking in a corner, they find themselves in front of the mirror. With hair sticking up- way much hairspray the night before added onto a natural case of bedhead often caused that, the wrinkled, faded, cut, and honestly, too small Faster Pussycat shirt she had fallen asleep in the night before and a pair of old faded jeans slowly but surely falling apart- thank god for sewing needles- Matt looked a little bit more that rough. Not that it was anything out of the ordinary. She didn't wear much make-up considering they didn't like waking up earlier than needed, evident by their presentation, but an enormous amount of black eyeliner had been applied the night prior, and the remainder left her eyes more red and puffy than they already were- again red and puffy from the previous nights activties, so a pair of chunky 70s style sunglasses were due.

Finally walking out of the bathroom after a quick piss, and of course a talk with their fellow tokers in the corner, they unfortunately head to first hour where they sat in their usual back row, not wanting to draw attention or be called out for not paying attention- or for the sungalsses inside. After what seemed like an eternity, the bell finally rang and the students flung out of their seats ready to go to 2nd hour so the day would end.

Second and third hours were just as slow as the first one but now it was lunch. For a normal kid at Shermer High lunch was truly and terribly shitty, considering the slop they considered food, but for Matt, lunch was amazing. She got to sit in the empty halls, rediciously bang her head to the music coming through the Walkman with the bass all the way up, and either have a couple smokes- of what, depending- or eat the bag of chips they were able to snag on their way out of the house and today, Matt was planning to go with the second option, with a quick intermission.

They made their way to the cafeteria and sat at the table of the one single person whom wasn't in their 'clique' that they could stand. Stumbling their way to the table, Matt sat with a sigh, back against the table, and arms crossed.

"Hey." She greeted, voice deepend from, again, the night priors drinking activites, as well as a prior incident that had damaged their vocals and left it a bit raspy.

"Oh, uh hey. What's up, Matt?" Julian Macintosh asked, his mouth still full of the same sandwich he ate every day while scratching at the mess of curly blonde hairs on his head.

"Hey Matt!" Julian's girlfriend, Jessica, greeted. She gave Jessica a nod and a tense smile before focusing her attention back on Julian.

"Wanna go in the classroom? Dan's back in town so...." Dan was the only good dealer in a twenty-mile radius and he had been gone for two months, which meant smoking shitty weed for two months.

Julian's eyes widened, a smile quickly reaching his face at the news of Dan's return and after stuffing the rest of his sandwich in his mouth and giving Jessica a kiss on her head, the pair made their way to the parking lot. The walk to Matt's locker was short but the one to the empty classroom every pothead in the high-school claimed as 'The Room' was pretty far. But once it was reached and shortly filled with smoke, it seemed worth it.

"Julian." Matt mumbled, earning a hum in response. "Did you watch Monday Night Raw?"

"I don't like your wrestling bullshit Matty."

"Bret...Bret Michaels was on again. He won." Instead of listening to Julian complain about how he didn't know who that was or why he should care, Matt stumbled up out of the old desk graffitied in names and dicks and soon pulled Julian up too.

"What are you doi-" Julian's voice was stopped as the air was taken out of his lungs by the girl head butting him straight in the gut. Soon catching on, he started fighting back. Now, the two stood in the middle of the classroom making way too much noise as desks scooted around and laughter filled the air. However, that was stopped as soon as the door flung open.

"What is going on in here!" A high pitched voice screeched as the two stopped their antics and stood with wide eyes, breathing heavily.

"Uhh...nothin'." Matt responded as Julian stood awkwardly and avoided eye contact.

"This is unacceptable! Both of you, to the principals office! Now!" The voice continued to squawk as the two filed out the room and down the hall.

After the two were dragged into the office, the women explained the situation as the two tried to look as sober as possible. Considering the football game on Saturday and Julian being the dumb jock he is and the football team needing all the help they could get, Julian was free to go. And Matt, the poor kid, who already had too much shit to deal with, had detention for the next Saturday. Well, now it was the next three Saturdays- it seemed like a good idea to tell the principal to go fuck himself.


Hi! I hope you enjoyed it! I know, it's kinda long but I wanted you to have a good understanding of her without revealing too much. This is the first story I've ever written on Wattpad so let me know if there's any improvement I can make or suggestions you have. Don't be afraid to comment, I would love to hear from you!

EDITED-- (so..after rereading this again I've decided that it's terrible and I'm redoing the whole thing again lol)
ok i'm editing again and i decided to change it. i like this better.

EDITED again 😭😭 lmao i havent been on wattpad in so long this shit is so bad but this chapter is better than the rest- if you want actual good reading, please go check out my tumblr, it should be in my profile. Anyways, might start editing this like actually, im not sure. Would still love to hear from you even if i wrote this in like middle school and i graduated a bit ago lmao

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