Chapter 32

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Calum's POV.

I walked through school and fixed my locker. I then walked over to Luke's locker, he usually was around school by now. I sighed and got off and went the the football pitch. I saw him practicing with the more popular people. Leo was there watching him. I felt betrayed but continued to watch.

He finished and ran up to Leo and high fived him before Leo gave Luke his water. Luke chugged it down before returning to the game. I sighed and walked away. I soon met Michael and explained to him about when I saw Luke and he frowned in anger.

"I'm gonna beat his little ass if he cheats on you." Michael said.

"No. Just ignore it if he does." I said and patted Michael's back before going to class after hearing the bell ring.

I sat at the desk and people glared at me as if to say 'don't screw it up this time' so I didn't listen. Instead, I tried thinking of happy things. What made me happy...? Oh, my moms cooking made me happy. Okay this wasn't helping at all. After a boring hour, the bell rung and I walked towards my locker to see Michael waiting.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Protecting you from Luke." He replied looking around.

"Okay..." I said and ignored him as he leaned against my locker.

"Oh hi Luke, have you finally decided to join us and not Leo and his squad?" Michael asked.

"Come on Michael, I only wanted to try something new. Anyway, Calum can you lend me thirty bucks?" Luke asked and I closed my locker.

"Why?" I asked fishing for my wallet in my bag.

"I'm going to hang out with... some guys after school and I need thirty bucks at least." Luke said.

I stopped. I knew I had around fifty in there.

"I'm not that rich Luke." I sighed and took Michael's wrist and dragged him away.

"I see you're learning from me." Michael said.

"Shut up. I walked away so that I wouldn't slap him okay?" I said slowing my pace down to a walk again.

Michael's mouth formed an o.

"Don't make me slap you too." I said just before the bell rung and we parted our ways.

People shove me as I try walk to class and I try my best to ignore it. Honestly, is everyone here homophobes or something because they don't hate Luke for being gay but they hate me. It was soon lunch and I sat at the usual table and Michael walked over with the usual smile on his face.

"You really need to dye your hair a different colour. It's been red for how long now?" I asked.

"Shut up, I'm running out of ideas okay." Michael laughed and sat down.

Ashton sat down and sighed.

"You okay man?" I asked.

"I swear to god I will fucking kill Layla." He sighed.

"Why?" I asked.

I wasn't really listening because I was too busy looking at Luke. He looked like he was having loads of fun. I suddenly realized Michael walking over and I immediately swore under my breath as he dragged Luke back to the table.

"Get the fuck off me!" Luke shouted.

"Listen up, we are sick of you ditching us for this pussies every single fucking day. We're a fucking squad, you're ditching us for them, just stop okay? Calum's crumbling and are you realizing it? NO." Michael said and Luke stared at me.

I looked away and continued to eat. Luke sighed and began to silently eat with us.

"Luke, just go back." I said and Luke looked up at me.

"If you're really that fucking miserable around us, then what's the point?" I asked.

"No I'm not--"

"I CAN SEE IT IN YOUR FUCKING EYES FOR FUCKS SAKE!" I shouted standing up making everyone go silent.


Luke stared at me in shock. He wasn't even scared. He looked like a puppy being set free. He was happy I told him to go.

"You're happy aren't you?" I asked.

Luke didn't say anything. My breathing got louder and I felt a pang of betrayal. I shook my head and walked out the cafeteria.

Michael's POV.

This was the saddest thing I've ever seen. I've never even seen Calum that mad before. I stared at Luke and he was staring at Calum.

"You're happy aren't you?" Calum asked.

Luke shook his head slightly but Calum didn't seem to notice at all. Calum soon walked away.

"Some fucking boyfriend you are." Ashton spat before running after Calum.

"Not even a boyfriend anymore." I said and followed Ashton.

Calum was in the boys toilet with scissors to his neck.

"Don't come closer!" he screamed and we Ashton and I stopped as the scissors moved closer to his neck.

"Calum, give me the scissors." Ashton said and Calum shook his head.

He slowly walked forward but Calum walked back. Ashton out his bag down and took scissors out of his pencil case and put it to his neck making Calum wince.

"If you do it, I'll gladly do it too." Ashton said.

It took my scissors out and shakily put the cold metal against my neck.

"M-me too." I stuttered.

Calum stared at both of us in disbelief.

"If you hurt yourself in any way, it'll be like hurting us too, because we'll do it too." I said.

"Oh yeah?" Calum asked and walked up to the sink and cut his arm.

I walked up to the sink and cut my arm too. We both winced in pain. Ashton walked up to the sink and winced in pain as he did it too.

"Like I said, you'll only hurt us if you hurt yourself." I said.

Calum suddenly snapped the scissors in half.

"Well then I don't want to do it if you guys will." He said.

Ashton and I put our scissors back in our bags and Ashton hugged Calum tightly.

"Don't ever do that again." He said and I hugged Calum along with Ashton.

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