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A small ripple can cause waves if you just give it enough time. One person, seemingly minuscule and meaningless could cause the destruction of the multiverse if they were given enough time. 

And that's where you come in. You were the teenage child of Ink, the protector of all AUs. He had sent you off to XTale when you were just a small child and hoped you'd forget about him, but you never did. He was your motivation for learning magic in the first place, you just wanted to see him and ask some questions. You had no specialty when it came to magic, though. 


You were abruptly awoken by your alarm going off, telling you to wake up as sunlight peeked through the windows. You sighed and shut off the alarm, getting out of bed and stretching a bit. It was just another normal day for you, go to school, meet Chara to do homework together, then go home and go to bed. Though one day was marked on your calendar that you had been looking forward to for quite a while: tryouts for the royal guard. Your soul motivation for joining was to help protect Chara and his little brother. 

You quickly got dressed and headed out of your small home with your phone in your pocket and carrying your backpack. The morning sun was bright, casting warmth onto whatever it touched, though if you were standing in a shadow it would still be quite cold: the perfect spring morning. A little down the street, a boy was waving you over, Chara. He looked quite tired and his white hair was very messy, and he held a cup of coffee. He was known by his friends and family as not sleeping much, so his tired appearance and love for coffee made sense. 

In all honesty, you had a crush on him, and you had for months. Something about the way he looked at you with his blood-red eyes made your heart flutter. But, you'd never say anything about it, he probably had enough to worry about already. 

"Hey, (Y/n)! Want some coffee?" Chara asked, holding his coffee mug out at you. 

"Uh...sure." You replied, giggling a bit as you drank a substantial amount of his coffee. He gasped dramatically and took his precious coffee back. You walked to school together, chatting nonchalantly about meaningless topics, though only due to the reason that you both had other, more important things to worry about. 

You were, to him, just another piece of code in his perfect universe. Nothing more, nothing less. Sure, you were one of the few who had their own free will, but that didn't matter to him. No one's suffering mattered as long as the universe you lived in was perfect, absolutely perfect. Flaws in the code...well...they have to be eliminated immediately...

Not his world anymore~ XTale Chara x reader [book 1/2]Where stories live. Discover now