Death Of Guan

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Sukara waisted no time getting to her feet. Snapping her hands apart as she bent the wood.

"That's not possible," Guan exclaimed, stepping back at he watched her in shock, "no one can bend wood. It's not possible."

"Oh, I'm gonna show you just how possible it is," Sukara sneered, spinning the block between her hands, smoothing it down into a point and firing it like a bullet straight towards him.

Guan pushed Voya away from him as he lunged out of the way of the wooden stake which just missed him and jammed itself into the tree behind him.

Terrified by the look in her eye and the fact that he had just lost his leverage, Guan scrambled to his feet and tried to run. But, Sukara wasn't going to let him get away again.

Sliding her feet along the floor, she brought her hands up in front of her. His blood became hers to do with as she pleased. He stopped ridged, his knees bent and arms distorted.

"You can't--" he tried to speak as she began to bring him back.

"The full moon only enhances the power of a water bender," Sukara explained, holding him steady in the air, "the fact that I don't need the extra boost to blood bend, is just unfortunate for you."

Sukara swept her foot along the floor, sending a ripple through the earth that sent Voya towards Kuvira.

"Get her out of here," Sukara told them firmly.

As she held Guan in position, a very panicked Pema emerged through the trees.

"There you--" she started as she saw Voya but she stopped the moment she saw the rest of the scene.

"Get the keys and get them back to the beach Pema," Sukara ordered, not taking her eyes off of Guan.

Pema nodded and obliged, putting the pieces together as to what was about to happen.

"I can't let you do this," Korra said, rubbing her wrists as she stood up, "you've got him, let's take him in."

When Sukara didn't answer, Pema put a hand on Korra's shoulder, "he attacked her child, she will go through you to get to him. You don't need to get hurt in this."

Korra gave an apprehensive nod as she helped Pema hold up Tenzin who was still a little out of it. She tried not to turn back, just keeping her eyes on Voya as Kuvira clung to her daughter.

"You wouldn't disappoint your friend would you?" Guan asked, the panic in his body rising as he tried to struggle in her grip on him.

"Korra isn't here anymore," Sukara snarled, "and her disappointment is not mine to manage."

Sukara dropped him to the floor. He had but a second before she kicked up a rock and slammed it into his side. Throwing fire blasts at him, burning his skin and clothes.

With a horizontal flip she sent and tornado to lift him from the ground, using the water that saturated the ground to freeze him in place.

"Just kill me," he panted, struggling in the ice, "tossing me around like this is just cruel. Don't tell me you're enjoying this."

Sukara flipped again and kicked hard into the ice, shattering it and letting Guan fall to the ground.

"I will shower in your blood boy," Sukara almost growled as she stood over him, "may not a drop remain in your veins."

Taking the shards, she made several deep cuts into his skin. Sukara shifted her feet and lifted her hands to take back control of his blood, bringing him over her head to drain him. She had to maintain her focus in order to take the blood from his body, taking it through the vessels and out of the cuts. She felt Guan die long before she was done.

Finally she tossed the body aside and let the blood fall around her. She had taken it and it was hers. Everything he was, was littered over her and on the ground.

It wasn't something that she'd done in a long time. Even in the old world the punishment was considered extreme, but given what he had done, Sukara felt it was the only fitting way. Pioneer of the future and stronghold of tradition.

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