Kidnapped Fiance

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Korra had taken a few of the air benders out on a mission to capture Baatar Jr. Once they returned, they brought him back to Asami's warehouse to question him. Korra tried to threaten him to make Kuvira stop her attack but it wasn't going well.

"You're not going to hurt me," Baatar sneered at Korra, "I know an empty threat when I see one."

Korra sighed as she put the chair back down on the ground, coming out of the avatar state.

"No, I'm not," she told him, "but what I am gonna do is take what you love most away from you. Wherever I run I'll take you with me. I will make it my mission to never let you see Kuvira again."

He looked worried but apprehensive. He wasn't sure if he could trust what she was saying but he didn't want to risk being without the love of his life either. He had to keep his loyalty to her, but at what cost.

Sukara however was not that impressed. She could see how divided he was.

"Do you think she'd care?" Sukara asked, frowning down at Baatar. The whole room gave her a confused look as she spoke so she explained further, "I mean, we all know he's punching way above his weight right. Do you think she'd care if he wasn't there? She'd still have what she wanted, her empire. And what do you give to her anyway? She's breathtaking and you're... Well... Comfortable."

"Sukara!" Su exclaimed, trying to at least defend her son from ridicule.

Sukara just shrugged as she watched Baatar continue to think. If she played this right, he'd come to the right decision. She could see in his face that he was starting to get angry with her.

"I'm sorry Su but, you have five kids," she went on, continuing to push Baatar, "Opal is an excellent air bender, one of the first in over a century. The twins are an amazing team and incredible sportsmen. Huan is artistic, he's creative and individualistic. And Baatar... well... You're your dad's assistant. What I'm asking is, is that enough for Kuvira?"

"She loves me," he snapped at her, "we love each other."

"You know, I'd love to see it but I just don't believe you," Sukara smirked, Baatar playing right into her hand, "so I'm gonna go load up the bison, I'll make it nice and comfortable for you cause you're gonna be staying with us for a very long time."

"No! Wait!" Baatar called after her as she turned to leave, "give me the radio."

Baatar explained the situation to Kuvira over the radio, it was actually a little surprising for Sukara that she seemed to agree to what he asked although she had felt some relief for their plan to be working. However, she had not been expecting to have her words proved right quite so violently.

The blast came quickly. Sukara tried her best to push everyone out of the building, even trying to bend a wall in between them and the ray as a last resort but they were still hit.


Groaning was all Sukara heard as she woke back up in the ruble. Some of the others were starting to come around as well. Chief Beifong made her way over to the second avatar once she had started to sit up.

"You alright kid?" Lin asked as Korra came over to join them.

Sukara nodded as she looked up to see the giant mecha suit standing in the city, turning away from them.

The rest of the group seemed to be okay, Bolin had protected them enough to get them out safely.

"Like I said, breathtaking," Sukara wheezed, a little winded after being hit with the rocks in her wall.

Lin laughed a little as she shifted to go and help Sukara up but Korra seemed less impressed by her joke.

"Will you stop complimenting the woman who just tried to kill us," she said, shaking her head as she helped Lin pull Sukara to her feet.

"Relax Korra," Sukara chuckled, clutching her side, "it's not like I'm gonna marry the woman, we're still gonna take the crazy bitch down."

Korra huffed before leaving her counterpart with Lin. She knew that Sukara was only joking but she could be really annoying sometimes.

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