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Sasuke's POV :

Ever since Naru had come down stairs Menma and her have been acting strange, And when they fought about who would stay home to take care of their dad. My suspiciousness grew. as did my agitation. I yelled 'why the fuck is there blood' Naru said something that made it apply she had harmed herself.  Which i crazy, Naru's just not like that. 

Itachi's POV:

I knew something was going on since the phone call. I've always had my suspicions about their life at home, but this whole ordeal right now makes my suspicions grow. 

Naruko's POV :

Once Menma brought me the box i repositioned myself so it was sitting in front of me and looked at Menma with pleading eyes. I haven't opened this in years, not since my ex gave me all the contents for it. 

I slowly removed the top. I took a deep breath and looked in, but what i saw broke me. 

"M-Menma.. Where is everything?" I chocked back my on tears. I know it's stupid wanting things my Ex gave me in this situation but it helps me calm down.  Everyone looked at me confused and Menma walked over and peered in the box. His concerned look soon turned into one of rage. 

"I-I-I need some air.. I going on a walk" I ran out of the house completely ignoring the blood still coming from my leg. 

I ran and ran until i got to the park. I sat down on a bench placing my face in my hands as i try to control my breathing. 

"Naru, are you ok?" I looked up and saw Sasuke and I don't know why but i lost it. The tears started falling, all the emotions I had dammed up broke free. I stood up and hugged Sasu. Right now I don't care I needed a hug the comfort of another.   after a few seconds Sasuke relaxed and hugged me back.  I cried into his chest for I don't know how long. All he did was play with my hair and rub small circles in the middle of my back. Eventually I calmed down and the tears stopped falling. I stepped out of the hug and looked at him. 'T-thank you teme' i was quiet but I'm positive he heard me because he smiled.  

'We should head back now' I rolled my eyes before laughing and agreeing. 

Once we got to the house i took a deep breath before walking in. When we walked in Menma and Itachi both walked over to me. Ita asked if i was okay while Menma hugged me. I just nodded my head. 

"Naru, please accept there offer" I sighed and look at the two Uchiha's staring at me expectantly both were smiling with hopeful looks in there eyes. I caved.. 'F-fine, but i swear to god if y'all don't knock before entering the bathroom i will kill you all and come back here." I was only half serious, we all started laughing our asses off. 

"Well then it's settled we move in a week so pack your things" Sasuke's voice was filled with a sense of happiness. ''yea, yea so pushy' I rolled my eyes and smirked. Truth be told I was glad to move out.. I just hope father doesn't seek us out. Just one more week of this torture. 

"Menmen, H-how are we supposed to tell him?" at this point i didn't care that Sasu and Ita were still very confused. I shook my head, "Never mind that's a dumb question. I talk to him tomorrow while your at work" I sighed ignoring the glare from my brother. I turn to the Uchiha brothers. 'Do you two plan to stay the night" they nodded "Alright I'll grab the air mattress" I walked away making my way tot he basement, Before i did though i turned back and looked at my brother with pleading eyes basically begging him to come with me. I heard him chuckle before saying 'Awe is my baby sister still afraid of the dark' my face flushed red as i heard them all laugh. 

"I-I.. NO!! I just figured you want to come with" I said wile crossing my arms over my chest sticking my nose in the air. I turned back around and slowly started walking to the basement. 

"Oi, Naru you don't always need to act strong. It's okay to have a fear or two" I glared at Ita before continuing my journey. Once i reached the basement i slowly opened the door taking a deep breath before walking in. I tried to turn the light on but i guess the bulb was dead. I slowly made my way to the room that had the mattress. I felt something grab my shoulder I screamed before turning around and punching whatever grabbed me. 

"Ouch what the hell" I recognized that voice. OH MY GOD!! i just hit Sasuke. 

"Oh my god!! I'm so sorry" I'll grab the mattress and get you some ice you just go back upstairs and wait" I was glad there was no light in here because my eyes started watering up. I felt terrible this makes me just like our father, hitting the people i care about. 'Hn' i rolled my eyes as silent tears fell down. 'Yea yea now get going duck butt' He chuckled before he left. 

I ran to the room hurriedly grabbing the mattress before sprinting upstairs. I stopped just before i got to the living room to catch my breath and stop the tears from flowing. Once I was calm i walked out with my head low. I walked over to my brother handing him the mattress and jogged over to the kitchen to grab some frozen peas and a towel. walking back out to the kitchen I saw Sasu hold his jaw while wincing. Dammit i really hurt him; I felt the tears start to take form Shit not right now. I took a deep breath and put a smile on my face that was obviously fake. I handed Sasuke the peas making sure I didn't touch hi again. I walked over to the chair in the corner and sighed quietly. I ignored the looks from Ita and Sasuke. Menma walked over to me pulling me out of the chair. He pulled me into a tight embrace. I hesitated before hugging back. 

"Your nothing like him okay?" he whispered in my ear. I didn't respond at first. 

"Menmen, I am i just punched someone that i care about, and for what because i freaked out" he sighed before letting go and dragging me over to Sasuke and Itachi who were still looking at us like we were crazy. 

"Sasu, are you mad at Naru" I glared at my brother to which he ignored me I looked back at Sasuke and Itachi who looked dumbfound.

"Uhh, for what?" I rolled my eyes. 'Dude seriously. I just socked you in the jaw' Itachi raised his brows with a smirk obviously amused and Sasuke just made a "O" shape with his mouth. 

"Ehh, not really. Menma warned me you might punch me if i went down there wit cha" I rolled my eyes. I still feel really guilty but I decided to pretend It was all okay. New rule, never touch anyone ever again. I sighed 

"Menmen, set up the mattress, I'm gonna clean up the mess we all made." Menma nodded and Itachi went over to help hi 'I'll help you  Naru' I glared at Sasuke. 

"No yo need to keep the ice on your jaw, Sasuke." He pouted.

"But I wanna helppppp" He whined like a little kid. I looked at Itachi for help in which he laughed and continue helping Menmen. In the end Sasuke won and helped clean up. About a half hour later everything was finally finished. I threw some pillows and blankets at Sasuke and Itachi. 

"Ight I'm tired I'm going to bed" The all nodded and said goodnight. 

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