Shattered Hope.

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No one's POV:

After about thirty minutes of arguing about were we are going. Menma finally got tired and said fuck it and said we would go to the Uchiha's residence. 

Menma ran upstairs to get his swim suit while Naruko ran around the house getting towels  and sunscreen. 

Naruko's POV: 

I was running around the house getting everything Menma would need, But then i remembered I had to talk to father about moving out. I walked back in the kitchen and saw Menma there with the others waiting. 

"H-hey before we go I still need to talk to Father about moving out" To be honest i was scared.. I knew Father doesn't want us out of the house but it needs to be done. 

"Well then, why don't we all go with you" I sighed relief washing over silently thanking Sasuke for offering. I nodded and led them to my fathers study.

Once we got there I knocked three times before entering. I walked in first then Menma, then Sasuke and Itachi. Menma and I walked over to his desk while the two raven haired boys stayed by the door. 

"Excuse me, Father" I spoke quietly as a attempt not to upset him. He looked up from his stack of papers waiting for me to continue, I take a deep breath. 

"I'm here to inform you that by the end of the week Menma and I will be moving out." My words were quite but loud enough for him to hear. My hands started shaking waiting for his response.

"Menma can, but I've arranged a marriage for you, Naruko so you'll be stay" he looked back down at his papers as if he didn't just drop a huge bomb on me. My jaw hung opened tears started to form in my eyes. I was fine if I had to stay but I didn't wanna marry. I want to enjoy my youth while I can. I'm only 19. 

"Oh hell no, she's coming with me weather you like it or not" My  eyes shot up looking at my brother yelling. to say i was shocked would be a understatement I've never seen him yell. I saw Itachi and Sasuke getting ready to come over here but I mouthed 'Don't' they nodded and stayed still. My father stood up and marched over to stand in front us. 

"She will do what I say weather she likes it or not, She is the only girl in the Uzumaki's she must produce a heir" My jaw dropped Menma's face filled with disgust and rage. 

"Is that all she's worth to you, a breeder, produce a hair then disappear of the face of earth!!" Menma raised his voice at this point he was screaming at Father. I saw Our dad clench his fist and went to punch Menma. Before he could I darted in front of him and grabbed his wrist right before it hit Menma in the face. I tightened my grip on his wrist glaring at him. 

"I distinctively remember warning you to never and i mean NEVER! lay your filthy hands on my brother" I growled out. He paled. I released my grip on his wrist, Big mistake. As i turned around to ask Menma if he was okay i was yanked backwards before i could react I felt something cold and sharp against my neck. 

"If you try anything your dead" I froze, it's not like I didn't want to die. It's just to think my own father would actually make it clear of his intent to kill me shocked me. I took a deep breath. How did telling him were moving out to my life being on the line. 

"Father, don't you think this is a bit much? If you put the knife away we can still go back to the way before." i paused taking a deep breath 'Don't you remember when we were younger. We laughed all the time. Ice cream every Friday" 

"Your worthless bitch, Don't you get it. It was all a act. A rouse for you to trust me. You played right into my hand, you became a broken toy who doesn't fight. Any man would take advantage of that" he smirked. My breathing hitched and i felt tears well up in my eyes. I looked at the ground. I didn't need to see the disappointed face of my friends. I took a deep breath. If I'm going down I'm going down fighting. I reached up and gripped his wrist again. I applied pressure to the pressure point making him drop the knife. I pulled him forward so he was at my level before taking two fingers and jabbing them in the pressure points on his neck making him fall unconscious. I release a breath i didn't realize i had been holding. I stepped away from my fathers sleeping body. I walked over to Menma. 

"Are you okay Menmen?" I was worried he may have gotten hurt somehow in the confusion. He scoffs to which i tilt my head in confusion. Itachi and Sasuke were now behind Menma. 

"I know you did not just about die, and then ask your brother if HE'S okay" I shrugged while looking at Sasuke. "That s just how she is little brother" I rolled my eyes. 

"Okay, but seriously are you okay?" He nods his head and i finally relax. 

"Okay, well I guess you two are expecting a explanation" Menma asked serious, I just sighed. Sasuke and Itachi held a duh look on there faces. 

"Fine.. but not here" I grumbled grabbing Sasuke's wrist while Menma grabbed Itachi's wrist we led them out of the house. 'I'll explain everything when we get to your place' they nodded as we got in their car. I sat in the back with Sasuke and Menma sat up front next to Ita who was driving. 

(Time skip) 

We got to the Uchiha residence. I took a deep breath still not quite ready to explain but i had to. We walked inside and went into the living room sitting down with the two brothers facing us. 

i took a deep breath and we began to explain.

How will they take this shocking news? 

Keep reading to find out <3 

I love you all have a good day /night

P.S. I'm not sure but the next chapter could be out either tonight or tomorrow 

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