Movie Night

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Naruko's POV :

"Do you guy's want to invite your friends this time?" I smiled and looked at their dumbfound expression's 'Guys I'm serious this is your house to you don't need to walk on eggshells around me, I'll have to get used to groups of people anyways" I sighed a little as they all smiled. 

"But Sasuke if that fucking Banshee screams again I'm going to fucking bitch slap her" I rolled my eyes as they all laughed.

"Okay, I guess we can call them all over" I smiled

"Great I'll get to cooking then" I looked at Menma who had a disapproving look. "Ughh, fine you all can join me while I cook but I swear if you touch anything I will end you all" I chuckled while they all paled. 

"Okay I'll meet y'all In the kitchen" I skipped to the kitchen seeming a little more chipper then I really was. once I got to the kitchen It wasn't long till they boys all started filing in. 

"Is the living room clean, is it all set up. Did you call all your friends" I questioned 'Ugh I feel like a nanny' I rolled my eyes. 'Itachi, Obito, Kisame and Gaara, Deal with the living room. Nagato, Menma, and Sai go buy alcohol god knows Imma need it. And Sasuke your gonna hafta stay here since I'm not allowed to be alone in the kitchen anymore" I rolled my eyes as they all stared at me like I was dumb. 

"Did I stutter, i said while crossing my arms. They all gulped and ran out todo as asked. 

"Sasuke while I grab everything out call your friends and invite them, and yes that includes the fucking banshee" I rolled my eyes as he snickered. 

(Time skip ~ everyone arriving)

I heard someone knocking on the door so I placed the now cooked and cut brownies down and made my way to the door. 

"Hello, how are you guy's today" I said while smiling and opening the door. I stepped to the side as they all filed in slowly.

"Sasu, can you bring the food out please" I called out and heard a muffled yea.

"So i have a question for you?" I turned around and looked at who w as talking. If my memory serves me right then this male is Neji.

"And that would be?" I raised a eyebrow awaiting his question.

"Are you their Maid or something" The whole room fell silent Itachi and the others dropped everything in their hands and slowly moved over here.

"What makes you think I am their maid" I took a deep breath trying to control the anger bubbling inside me.

"Well for two reasons,  One being your always here, Two your always cooking and cleaning" I rolled my eyes.

"And here I thought you were smart" I chuckled a little as he scowled at me. "First of all, I'm always here because I live here" 

"Excuse me, there is no way MY Sasuke would live with the likes of you" I snapped my head in the direction of the screaming banshee 

"If you know what's good for you everyone back up from Naruko and Saskura" I chuckled lightly making my way over to the pinkette.

"Okay, I'm going to say this once you fucking banshee, He and his brother personally asked me and my brother to move in, Sasu is the one who pestered me about it, and last I checked sweetheart. No one want to live with some psycho bitch whos obsessed with their roommate" I rolled my eyes clenching my fist while she looked at m dumbfounded. Thankfully Nagato, Menma, and Sai walked in with the alchol. 

"Nagi, Give me now" I walked over and snatched one of the bottles of Vodka and started chugging it. 

"Uhh, who pissed her off?" Menma said while pointing at me. 

"Also Neji second of all, I cook because have you ever seen their cooking the devil wouldn't even eat that shit" I laughed a little as the aura of the room went back to being peaceful I went to drink more but the bottle was snatched away. 

"Menmen, really" I whined but he just smile shaking his head.

"Who mad you mad" I rolled my eyes. 

"Doesn't matter" I laughed before realizing Sasuke hasn't come out.

"SASUKE FUCKING UCHIHA, I SWEAR TO GOT IF YOUR FUCKING EATING ALL THE SNACKS BEFORE EVEN GREEETING YOUR FRIENDS I'LL END YOU" I yelled as loud as I could, I heard snickering and then loud and fast moving footsteps

"SASUKE-KUNN" The banshee yelled the second Sasuke entered the room. Everyone stared at me except for the pinkette as I walked over to her. 

I tapped her shoulder to get her attention and once she turned to face me I bitch slapped her, she put her had to her cheek and looked at me shocked.

"Listen here you fucking pink headed bimbo" I heard snickers before continuing 'In this house you don't get to scream people names, especially people who have no interest in you" I smirked not really caring If what i said was mean or not. As soon as I turned around she ran over to Sasuke  latching onto his arm and complaining to him. 

"Ight that it, Kisame Imma do this shit she's getting on my nerves" I looked at Kisame who had a smirk on his face while everyone looked confused.

"Sasuke can you come here" Sasuke's attention immediately snapped to me and he shook the pinkette off and made his way to me. Once he stood in front of me i grabbed his shirt collar and stood on my tip toes. I took a deep breath and Kissed him. That's right in front of everyone I kissed him. He tensed at first but soon relaxed placing his hands in my wait as I let go of his shirt collar and wrapped my hands around his neck. He licked the bottom of my lip asking for entrance to which I denied which irritated him a little, I smirked against the kiss before pulling away. I looked around and saw Kisame, my brother and Itachi all smirking while everyone else's jaws were dropped. I let go of Sasuke's neck and looked around for the pinkette who was staring at me and Sasuke in disbelief. 

"Uhh, so should we start this little gathering or what" I chuckled a little as everyone snapped back into reality.

"Okay, first lets play truth or drink" I groaned looking at Menma

"Why must you torture me like this" everyone laughed as I rolled me eyes. 'Whatever lets get In a circle' I sighed moving over to the blankets that still laid folded. 

"ITACHI, What did I tell your group todo" I yelled to which his entire group gulped

"Uh, take care of the living room" his voice was strained.

"And what did you fail todo" 

"The living room" He said quietly I smirked a little

"Boys, take care of it now" I looked over to Sasuke who wrapped his arm around my wait causing me to blush a little. "That means you to Sasuke" He pouted to which i rolled my eyes.

(Time skip ~ everything set up) 

"Alright now that were all set up, Lets start" I said excited. 

"I'll start" I looked over and saw It was Temari who spoke we all nodded our heads and waited. "Naruko, How many relationships have you been in?" I chuckled a little

"All but one of them are actually in this room, I've dated 4 people" I chuckled a little seeing Sasuke face fill with jealousy. 

"Okay, Menma" I smirked while he groaned out 'Why won't you confess to your crush even though he already is fully aware you like him" I chuckled a little at my brother flushed expression and Itachi's amused smirk. Menma quickly grabbed his shot glass and downed the alchol 

"My got that's disgusting" We all erupted into laugher.

Ayee, we will continue this next chapter 

I love you all take care and have a Good day/night 

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