Hide Your Feelings

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Sasuke's POV : 

After we all got comfortable in the living Menma started fidgeting and Naruko's breathing quickened, not by a lot in all honesty you wouldn't notice it unless you were watching her closely. After a couple of minutes Naru speaks up.  She started explaining when all this really started, sometimes she ended up going into detail to try and make us understand properly. There was one time Menma went to say something else their father did but she covered his mouth and shook her head. The more she continued the angrier I got. by the time they finished my hand had 4 crescent moon shapes from me digging my hands I was beyond livid; this girl that I've known my whole life went through so much torture and the fact that Menma had to watch as it all happened unable to help. I can't even imagine what that was like. Itachi was the first to talk. 

"So, Last night when you started bleeding... That was fro-" he couldn't finish his sentence his voice cracked tears threatened to spill. She simply nodded. 

"Oh yea that reminds me, Menmen I need to re-stitch the one that broke yesterday." Menma nodded and me and Itachi looked like they were fucking crazy, and i'm honestly wondering if they are. 

"Uhh, but you might want to be knocked out for that" Okay they are definitely crazy. 

"Aww is my big brother worried I'll cry and scream like a little girl" she chuckled. He sighed 'Whatever you want' 

(Time skip I week later) 

Naruko's POV : 

Today's the day we move in with the Uchiha brothers and their two cousins and one other friend. Then again be and Menma have been crashing at their place since that day.  Menma refuse to let me go back to get our things; kept saying we can buy new stuff. Much to my dismay he won. 

     We got to their new place fairly quickly it was only five minutes from the place they were at before. I quickly ran out of the car. Shortly after we arrived the first person came. we all turned around as he got out of the car. 

"Menma, Naruko I'd like you to meet Sai" Itachi said as he walked over to Sai patting his back

"Yin!"  My jaw dropped in utter shock he whipped his head in my direction 'Yang' he spoke looking just as shocked as me. I ran up to him hugging him. He picked me up twirling me around I laughed as he set me down. 

"Oh my Kami I've missed you so much" I was so happy, I haven't seen him in years. 

"Uhh how do you two know each other?" I looked over at Sasuke before letting go I put my arm over his shoulder as he wrapped his around my waist. Sasuke glared at Sai.

"Well me and Sai dated for about a year, but we had a clean break because i learned something and i respected his decision" I laughed when I noticed Sasuke's glare didn't  fade one bit. I looked at Ita who had a amused look on his face. I sighed letting go of Sai and walking over to Sasuke. 

"What's wrong Teme?" I smirked I'd be lying if I said i wasn't amused by Sasu's reaction. 

"I don't know what you mean Dobe" I laughed as he continued to glare at Sai who just had a amused grin on his face. Sasuke looked away and smirked at me.. I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about this, And i was right. Sasu grabbed my wrist pulling me closer to him, he smirked again before kissing my cheek. EEEP!! i yelled as i fell to the ground, my face as red as a tomato. Why did he do that ? I looked around and saw Sai doubled over laughing, Menma glared at Sasuke but soon smiled at him. 

"Would you to just get it over with and date already" I glared at Itachi

"Itachi Uchiha I will end you right here" Ita paled and started running. I went to get up to chase after him before i was stopped. 

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