Fake Smiles

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Itachi's POV :

I was enjoying the look on my little brothers face when he found out Naru, and I dated. I mean it's not like we tried to hide it. We just never really told anyone. His face was filled with jealousy, and a hint of longing. we proceeded to chat until to door opened. Well looks like our final guest has arrived. 

"hello, Kisame look's like you finally made it" I walked over to him patting him on the back. 

"Yea yea whatever" He rolled his eyes before scanning the room a few seconds later he yelled out 'Naru!!" he ran over to Naruko and picked her u causing her to squeal. 

'Okay for fucks sake, How do you know this one, Please don't tell me you guys used to date" At that Naru and Kisame made a look of disgust. 

"Oh god no, He's the one trying yo get me with the person i'm interested in, And I'm trying to get him with the girl he's into" I laughed while Menma scowled and Sasuke's face was riddled with jealousy. Oh my dear little brother is the only one in he dark about her feelings. 

"Naru, You just need to walk over to him and confess" Naruko blushed while we all laughed. 

(Time skip)

Naruko's POV :

I sighed finally relaxing. Menma and I spent the day helping them unpack. Were all going shopping tomorrow to get our new clothes and furniture. 

"What do you guy's want for dinner, I'll cook" Itachi asked. I bolted up 

"Hell can't  cook to save your life" I shudder at the thought of last time i ate his food. 'I'll cook' Itachi gave me a fake pout while the others just laughed. 

"I'll just make some rice balls and tomato soup. It's the easiest thing" I sighed before looking over at Sasuke who had a huge smile on his face. I giggled a little 

"Mhm are you sure that's the only reason" I turned and glared at my brother. I tuned back around but not before flipping everyone off and made my way to the kitchen. 

"Oi wait!" I stopped rolling my eyes before turning around 'what" I was getting annoyed. 

"I was just gonna warn you that a bunch of everyone's friends are coming over later" Sai was clearly nervous that i would snap. I groaned 'Okay I'll make some snack for y'all' I turned back around finally making it to the kitchen.

I pulled out everything I would need for dinner. I put the soup in a saucer and turned on stove at a medium heat.. 

(Time skip nothing interesting about her cooking)  

I set the table and brought the food to table. 

"Boys!! come eat!!" I yelled. Soon enough they were all crowded by the door making there way in. I chuckled lightly. 

"I'll be back in about a hour I need to pick up some things for your friends" I sighed I hate having to buy a bunch of stupid thing. 'Oh but first, what movies do you want, and do you want cake or cookies and brownies" I looked at them waiting for them to respond Sasuke and Sai stared at me like I was crazy but Menma spoke up. 

"Cookies and brownies and as for movies anything is okay as long as its not romance or sad" I nodded my head I looked at Itachi. 

"Oi! Ita give me your keys I ain't walking" He paled 'Hell no last time i let you borrow my car you almost die" I rolled my eyes 'Not my fault the guy didn't stop' So annoying 

'Still a no' I rolled my eyes. 'whatever I just walk' I quickly walked out of the house. 

After about 20 minutes i found the supermarket and walked in. I went to the baking section and grabbed everything for brownies and cookies, then I made my way to the dairy section I  grabbed 2 gallons of milk and a carton of eggs. I just grabbed the first movies I saw not really caring. Finally finished i went up to the register and bought everything. 

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