The Truth

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Naruko's POV :

After I finished frying my potatoes I reheated the boys food and reset the table and called to boys out. 

"Why are you all staring at me?" They were just sitting there staring at me like they expected something. 

"Well, I at least expect  to tell me what triggered your dream, dobe" I looked at them all with a annoyed look on my face; they were all slowly nodding their heads. 

"Okay, okay" I raised my hands surrendering 'But only because this isn't something I can go through alone' I took a deep breath and looked at them. "The day I got that call and started acting weird, well that because since that day this random person keeps calling me and their saying that I ran from our marriage and that they have waited for me to come to my senses and come back to them, but instead I left and came with you guy' I started shaking again. (Y'all im actually shaking right now I don't know why)

"What the fuck do you need marriage" Nagato slammed his fist on the table we all stared at him while Gaara tried to calm him. 

"The day my sister and I told Minato that we were moving out. He said I could leave but she couldn't because he arranged a marriage for her" I looked away disgusted with the idea, disgusted that something could happen to them because of me. I felt someone lace their hands on my shoulders and look up to see Sasuke, he pulls me up and hugs me, It didn't take long for me to relax and hug him back. I felt safe in his arms, like no matter what if we do this together we can come out together, I started crying at first it was only a little bit but that soon turned into sobs, Sasuke never once judged me he just started rubbing circles on my back and played with my hair. But just as quick as the tears came they left; I soon calmed down and we let go of the hug. I looked around the room not really wanting to see they looks of pity or disgust but what I saw surprised me. They didn't have pity filled looks or disgust filled faces. They all smiled at me. 

"Naru, I know you were expecting to see us pity you, after all everyone who's ever met you knows  you hate pity. And you lose your shit when given pity" I laughed a little Itachi knows me second best to my brother.

"Naruko, I've known you since I found you that day. And I remember demanding answers. Did I give you any pity" I shook my a little to which he smiled a small smile. 

"Now, I may not know the whole story here, and you don't need to tell me because I have a pretty good Idea, But I don't see how pitying you would help you. What you need is our support" I smiled ay Kisame he always knows what to say.

"But Naruko, that leaves one thing I have to check" I gulped dammit I knew he would figure it out. 'Give me your arm' Everyone eyed him some knowing what he meant others confused. I gulped. Slowly I walked over to him. Once I was in reach he grabbed my arm and pulled my sleeve up. I have been cutting. I didn't want the others to know... 

"Naruko Annaliese Uzumaki Namizaki" I paled 

"I'm in trouble right?" I croaked out. 

"Trouble doesn't even cover it" I paled my brother stood up. "Itachi go to my sisters room and take out every sharp object, From now on unless someone is in the room you aren't allowed to touch knifes, razors or anything sharp" I whined but he glared at me making me shut up. 

"Naru, why?" I turned around they all had tears in their eyes or were looking away but when I looked at Sasuke who was already crying I broke.

"Teme, I-It's helps I guess. It's the only thing I have control over." I looked away Sasuke slammed his hand on the table making me flinch.

"No you don't have control over it, No one ever does. At first it helps, But soon it becomes a addiction, one you can't control" I lowered my head knowing he was right. 

"I-I'm sorry" I wiped away a few stray tears. I'm not the one who just got hurt they are. I shouldn't cry.

"Yang, you dummy" I looked at Sai (Sorry y'all forgot he lives here too for a sec) 

"Don't you get it, every single one of us would kill for you, we would die for you" I shook my head.  

"No, like I've told Menma. It's better if I deal with it. It doesn't matter how fucked up I end up. As long as you guys don't get hurt" 

"That's it, Naruko I swear to god. If you put yourself in danger to protect any of us again. I will lose my shit. we all feel helpless. You always take the brute force, and for what so none of us have scars, so none of us are injured. Don't you get it? We all love you so much. You shine brighter then the sun could ever wish to" I looked at Itachi who was now crying, which in turn made me cry. 

"Ita, Menma, Obi, Sasu, Kisa, Yin. I-I am really sorry, But I can't change wanting to protect you all. At this point It's a habit. I see danger and I will always throw my self in front of it to protect you all. Someone could have a gun pointed at me and said if you die they'll be safe, I'd die." I took a deep breath. I know that's not what they wanted to hear but they need the truth. 

"So either blood loss has caused you to forget things, but I'm almost positive that that situation happened with Minato" I whipped my head around and glared at him 

'It's not that I forgot, it's the fact the didn't need to know I've been shot" I shake my head looking back at them. Nagato had his fist clenched I started seeing blood. 

"God dammit, Nagi" I walked over to him and grabbing his hand making him unclench his hand. 

"Menma, can you get the first aid kit and the rubbing alchol" I looked back at Menma and saw him nod. 

"Naruko, your not allowed to put our safety over yours. What happens when you get pregnant, huh?" I tensed 

"Uhh, Nagi. I love you and all. But I cant have kids I always planned to adopt. If I get pregnant there's a 6% chance I don't miscarry." I looked at Itachi who was looking down. And I guess Nagato noticed that. 

"Wait, don't tell me that Itachi knocked you up at one point" I looked away as a tear slipped. 

"Yeah, and when she told me she was pregnant we were ecstatic, Even though we were both fairly young. But before her second trimester she miscarried" I let go of my cousins arm and walked over to Itachi. I hugged him. 

"I'm sorry Itachi" I started crying again, I knew he was crying to I could feel the tears falling into my hair. Menma walked back into the room. 

"Uhh, what did I miss?" I chuckled a little.

"They just found out about Naruko's Miscarriage" I let go of Itachi and walked back to my cousin. 

"Hmm, which one?" I froze god dammit Menma. 

"Uhh, before you ask. I had gotten drunk one night and fucked a random dude from the bar. Don't even ask I was pretty fucked up that night. and yea the classic got pregnant and miscarried" I sighed while grabbing the first aid kit. I started humming while cleaning Nagi's hand and then wrapped it. 

"Sorry I brought it up" I smiled at him

"Don't worry about it, I've mostly healed by now" They all smiled a little.

"Well, nonetheless even if you can't have a biological kid, you'll be a good mother even If you adopt" I smiled at Gaara

"Dare my eyes deceive me, does the Gaara have a soft spot for kids" We all laughed while Gaara just rolled his eyes. 

"How about after we all actually eat, we have another movie night" They all nodded there heads and we all sat down and ate our food. 

Hey guys, so I gave a small SasuNaru momment. The next chapter will have a bunch of SasuNaru moments I promise

I love you all take care and have a Good day/night

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