Christmas Special

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Naruko's POV : P.S. Time skip of like 3 years because yea i'm like that

In a couple days it's Christmas and I'm so exited. Me and Sasuke have been together for 3 years and I have some huge news to tell him, I got a call for the doctor a few days ago saying I was pregnant. 

"Itachi, can I talk to you for a second" I walked into the living room and called for him. Menma gave me a small glare for interrupting their time which made me laugh. 

"Yea, yea give me a second" I smirked and retreated back to the kitchen. I waited a few minutes and Itachi soon walked in, he walked over to the Island and leaned against it.

"Soo, what is it?" I could see he was a little impatient. And I'm a little scared to get anyone's hopes up.

"Okay, before I tell you don't get to excited" He furrowed his eyebrows confused but nodded his head and waited for me to continue. I took a deep breath. 'I got a call the other day from the doctors' I took another deep breath.

"What for?" I sighed the look of confusion filling his face

"They said, I was pregnant" I bit my bottom lip and looked away, Don't get me wrong I was excited but I know the chances of being able to keep the child. Next thing I know I hear yelling and im off the floor being twirled.

"Oh my fucking god, that's amazing!!" I giggled a little as he placed me back down.

"I know i'm just worried that I'll lose this one to" I sighed and looked at him, both of us were a little sad at the thought.

"Well, you can't focus on that if you do you'll stress the little one" I giggled as he pointed to my belly that I was unconsciously rubbing.

"Yea, your right" I smiled begging the gods that I could keep this one.

"So how far along are you?" I smiled a little

"Well, the doctor said about a month and I have appointment for the day after Christmas" He smiled.

"Have you told Sasuke?" He knew the answer but asked anyway   I bit my lip and looked away.

"N-no I plan to tomorrow on Christmas" I signed again not really sure If I wanted to get Sasuke's hopes up, He always went on about how he wanted kids even if he had to adopt. 'Shit, Christmas is tomorrow, I need to go shopping' I groan as he laughs. 

"Well let me go get the others ready and we can all go" I glare at Itachi remembering the  last time they all came. They acted like little kids. Itachi just laughed

"I can go by myself" I rolled my eyes knowing he wont let me

"Too bad", he chuckled and headed out of the Kitchen. 

"Everyone get your asses ready were going to the store" I chuckled listening to everyone either grumble or run around excited. I shook my head as I walked out. 

I went to the door to grab he heels since I didn't feel like trying any laces.

"Naruko, no heels" I glare at Itachi 

"And why the hell not" I crossed my arms pouting like a little kid.

"I don't feel like hearing you complain about your feet hurting" I groaned knowing he was right.

"Well if she does complain I'll give her a foot rub" I giggled looking at Sasuke who now had his hand on his brothers shoulder.

"Whatever you say little brother" Itachi sighed as he walked away. 

(Time skip ~ at the store)

"Kisame I swear put the jar down, Obito stop climbing the shelfs,  Menma stop dancing like a maniac" I rolled my eyes 'I already feel like a mom' I groaned out causing the others too look at me. Itachi smirked a little

"What's that supposed to mean" my brother walked over to me staring me down. 

"You just act like little kids" I sighed pushing forward they can't know quiet yet.

(Another lovely time skip) 

Itachi pulled up the driveway and once we were parked I got out and made my way to the trunk. I started grabbing everything I could. I groaned when Itachi came over and took almost everything in my hands. 

"Itachi, I can still carry things in you know" I whined hating how he doing everything for me. He did his last time I was pregnant to

"I know you can, but you shouldn't stress to much. Besides shouldn't you go wrap your gift for Sasuke before he find it" I paused. 

"Shit, It's just sitting on our dresser!!" I yelled and ran to the door as Itachi laughed.

"No running" He called out I just flipped him off as I ran upstairs. 

Sasuke's POV :

I noticed Naruko's been acing really weird the past week. And Itachi is being really picky about the things she does, I walked over to him to question him. 

"You know, you and her are acting a little weird" Itachi whipped his head around and smirked

"You'll know why by tomorrow little brother" and with that he walked off leaving me and everyone else confused. What does he mean? What's going on?

Naruko's POV :

I woke up the next day really nervous. I woke him and everyone else up running downstairs to sit on the couch and wait for them. The first one down stairs was Itachi. 

"Nervous?" He smirked at his question to which I only nodded 'Don't be he will be excited' I took a deep breath and just waited for everyone to file in.

Once we all were sitting in front of the tree we handed out out gifts.

"Okay, before we open gifts, I have announcement". I grab the bag that I left under the tree and reluctantly handed it to Sasuke, he and everyone other then Itachi, who was smirking, looked at me confused. 

"Just open the damn thing before she chickens out" Itachi yelled confusing everyone more. Slowly Sasuke opened the bag and grabbed the small pregnancy test. He pulled it out and stared at for a second. I bit my lip nevous. 

"Oh my Kami, you're.." He looked at me shocked, everyone still confused  I nodded. 

"Are you... Happy" I took a deep breath more nervous then ever.

"What is going on!!" I looked at Obito and glared at him to shut the fuck up.

"Happy, I'm ecstatic" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and smiled as he came up me dropping the test and  picked me up twirling me around. 

Menma had gotten up and walked over to look at what Sasuke dropped

"You're pregnant" My brother yelled looking at us shocked everyone else looked at each other confused before it registered. Soon enough everyone swarmed me and Sasuke hugging us or congratulating us. Even Sai came up and smiled saying he was happy for us.

"Sasuke, don't you still have something todo" I looked over at Menma as did everyone else we all looked confused, I looked back at Sasuke who was blushing a little. 

"What is he talking about" I turn to Sasuke who was taking a deep breath before kneeling down on one knee. I gasped, he he couldn't be. 

"Naruko Uzumaki Namizaki, Would you marry me?" I gasped covering my mouth as everyone looked at me expectantly, I felt tears form in my eyes as I looked down. Do I truly deserve this, I've gone through so much and I might not even be able to carry the child full term...

"Naru, don't doubt yourself we all know you deserve someone who will love you. You deserve happiness." I looked behind me and saw Itachi was now behind me.

"O-of course" 

And yea Imma end it here lol Yes there will be a sequel No it is not all happy so if you want to pretend that this is the end that's okay. But you know It's not. 

I love you all Take care and have a good day / Night  

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