Jealousy, Love, New Beginnings

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Sasuke's POV :

I was sitting in the kitchen not really ready to go be around a bunch of people just yet. I was organizing the brownies and cookies onto the trays with popcorn, M&M's and Skittles. 

"SASUKE FUCKING UCHIHA, I SWEAR TO GOT IF YOUR FUCKING EATING ALL THE SNACKS BEFORE EVEN GREEETING YOUR FRIENDS I'LL END YOU" I flinched. Shit she used the full name I'm screwed I ran as fast as I could but the second I got to the living room.

"SASUKE-KUNN" I rolled my eyes hearing Sakura yell my name. Its so annoying. I looked around and was about to go over to Naruko but before I could she walked over to Sakura and full bitch slapped her. It took everything in me and everyone else in the room not to die of laughter. She said something to Sakura that I couldn't catch, but it didn't matter because soon enough Sakura came over and latched herself onto my arm telling me everything Naruko did. I just smirked, she's hot when she's angry. I looked over at her not 100% sure I liked the look in her eyes. She called me over to which I immediately shook Sakura off and came over. I looked at my brother who was smirking like he knew something I didn't. Once i stood in front of her she grabbed my shirt collar and stood on her toes; she took a deep breath like she was getting ready for something. And then she kissed me at first I tensed up. Confused, Is this really happening? I'm not dreaming am I? If i am please don't wake me up. I relaxed into the kiss putting my hands on her waist as she let my shirt go and put her hands on my neck. But just as the kiss started it was over. She pulled away her hands still around my neck. I looked around and saw all my friends with their jaws halfway to the floor, Itachi, Kisame and Menma just smirked at us. 

(Time skip to when there playing truth or drink)

When Temari asked Naruko how many relationships she's been in I felt a little jealous. Okay maybe a lot jealous. We all went around asking questions, I could tell my friends were trying to get to know Naruko better which made me happy. 

"Okay, I get if you don't want to tell us but i need to ask anyway, Naruko" She tensed up I can see where this is going.

Naruko's POV :

When Neji stated his next question was for me I tensed a little. I know where this is going. 

"Okay, what is it" I took a deep breath preparing.

"I noticed you have a large scar going up your neck, I was wondering what it was from?" I tensed I knew people would ask eventually I just hoped it would be latter. 

"Ita, hand me the vodka imma need it if I'm going to say anything" I sighed not really wanting to tell them. 'But know this I'm only telling you that way my brother doesn't have to lie to you guys anymore' I looked at Menma and gave him a reassuring smile. Itachi handed me the vodka to which I immediately started chugging it. 

"Okay, Let's just start with I was involved with someone really abusive" I took a deep breath and looked at Sasuke who reached out and grabbed my hand and rubbed small circles with his thumb. 'Well you see, Menma would often have to patch me up, and I got this one when they ran a knife from my lower middle back all the way up my side and up my neck, It was the first time they used a knife, No this person wasn't the one who did everything else, It was someone I was with' I squeezed Sasuke's hand as I felt tears threaten to spill. I looked around and saw Neji looking away while everyone else had sympathy filled faces, except for Sakura.

"Oh my god, you guys believe this, I bet this is nothing bot a sob story I even bet the damn things fake" I clenched my fist

"Sakura, What the hell is wrong with you" I stood up and looked at Menma with a smile telling him it's okay. 

"What proof do you want that i'm telling the truth pinky" I  clenched my fist getting angrier by the second. 

"Take your shirt off and show us" I froze as Sasuke stood in front of me as did Gaara, Nagato, Obito, Kisame, and Itachi.

"Guy's Its fine, I should have expected someone to question me" I sighed

"Naruko, you don't need to prove anything, I can vouch for you. Besides your back Isn't healed all the way" I smiled at Gaara

"Thank you Gaara, but I'd rather make that pinkette eat her words then let her spread rumors" They all stayed put as I slowly removed my shirt revealing my black sports bra. Menma started tearing up as they started to slowly move away. I took a deep breath as I heard them start gasping. Neji bit his lip looking away, Shikamaru for once was awake and looked away, They all started looking away. I started turning around so they could see everything. i heard louder gasps and someone had started crying. 

"Happy Sakura, is this what you wanted, you wanted her to expose everything she's been through" I walked over to Sasuke who was about to continue.

"Sasu, It's okay I knew someone would doubt it, i'm fine besides at least now Menma doesn't have to lie anymore that's all" I latched onto Sasuke hugging his back as I started to cry a little. He quickly moved me off him as he took off his tank top and threw it over me. I smiled a little as he puled me into a hug resting his chin on my head. 

"Brother, man up and ask her to be you r girlfriend already" Me and Sasuke stiffened at Itachi's word while everyone snickered. Sasuke opened his mouth to start talking but I stopped him caused him and the others to look at me confused.

"Don't waste your breath, my answer is yes" Sasuke leaned down and kissed me while the others started clapping or whistling. I heard someone slam the door and I assumed wit was the fucking banshee. 

"Itachi, ask Menma out already" I said pulling away from Sasuke who whined a little. 

"Actually about that, Me and him have been dating" I stared at them dumbfounded.

"For how long?" I smirked a little

"About a week now" I laughed a little looking at the two start kissing. 

Ayeee how are y'all

I love you all take care and have a good day/night

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