Secrets We Keep

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Itachi's POV:

Ever since Naru and my brother came up she's been acting weird. Then again she's been weird all night. 

"Menma, what's wrong with Naru?" I sighed. Menma visibly tensed i furrowed my brows and looked at my brother. 

"Uhh, well the other day some guys tried to rob her and she got hurt pretty bad. She ended up getting stitches. She's still shaken up by it" his words were filled with hesitation and sorrow. 

"Is she okay though, she's safe?"  Menma nodded "Yea she's fine, just a little shaken up about it." he paused. 'Anyway, I'm gonna hit the sack to I'll see you in the morning, goodnight' I waited till I heard his door click shut before turning to Sasuke.

"Something's not right here, first she says that she did it to herself, and now Menma is saying it's cause she was attacked.' I was more and more confused as the night went on. I've known those two since we were little kids. 

"Well it wont do any good to obsess over it, for now lets sleep" I nodded and laid down.  

(Time Skip ~Next day) 

Naruko's POV:

I groan as i sat up in bed. I slowly get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom.  I walked over to the mirror grabbing my makeup, I started covering my Bruises and burns with concealer and foundation. once i finished I threw on a Dark green skin tight turtle neck with some blacked ripped jeans.  I exit the bathroom and check on Menma. then went downstairs. 

I walked over to were the two brothers laid next to each other on the Air mattress. I smiled down at them. Sasuke's mouth was hanging open with a little bit of drool, he was hugging the pillow. I looked at Ita who had taken his hair out of it's usual low ponytail, his hair covered his face but they both looked adorable when their relaxed.

I sigh turning around and making my way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. 

I grabbed the waffle iron, flour, eggs, milk, baking soda and some chocolate chips. I start mixing everything together. 

(A hour and a half later)

I finally finished all the waffles. I walk out of the kitchen and walk to me and Menma's rom to wake him. 

"Menmen, I made breakfast time to get up" I shook him lightly until i heard him groan. "Why did morning have to come" I laughed leaving to go wake the other two. 

"Sasuke, Itachi time to get up, I cooked breakfast.. Silence nothing but silence they didn't even twitch. 

"Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha" they bolted right up, they turned around and looked at me with a hint of fear. I smirked the full name always works. 

"Y-yes" I laughed Itachi literally looked petrified. 'Breakfast is ready' i walked back to the kitchen. I finished setting the table as the boys walked in. They sat down as i placed two Waffles on each of their plates. As we started eating i heard the front door open and slam shut i tense up and looked over at Menma, he was just as tense as me. 

"F-father, is that you?" I yelled hoping my voice wasn't as shaky as i think it was. 

"MENMA,NARUKO!!, COME HERE RIGHT NOW!!" we both flinched I stood up. Menma stood up and went to follow me i turned around. 

"Menma, stay here with them. I'll tell him your with your friends in the dinning hall" Menma nodded his head. Ignored the concerned looks on the Uchiha brothers faces and left to the living room. 

"Y-yes father" I put my arms behind me and spoke as politely as i could. Which only angered him.

"Where the hell is Menma!?!?" I flinched as he started moving closer 

"I-I he's in the dinning hall the the Uchiha b-brothers" My voice was more strained then i thought it would be. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath. Next thing i was on the ground, I touched my cheek he slapped me. I guess that's better then yesterday. I stood up and walked away, I don't care if he follows me. He won't do anything in front of the Uchiha's. The second i walk in Menma already has a ice pack ready and asks me if I'm okay. I just nodded my head. Sasuke and Itachi rushed over to me and bombarded me with questions. 

"What happened? are you okay?" Itachi kept asking while Sasuke grabbed y chin and titled my head to look at my cheek.  I giggled quietly before answering, 

"Yes im fine, and Nothing really happened he thought i was someone else and slapped me. No biggie" I laughed nervously I looked at Ita who was scowling and Sasuke who clenched his fist.

"How about we go out and do something today?" Anything to lighten the mood. 

"How about the beach" Menma chimed in. i froze is he dumb i haven't healed all the way. I glared at him. "Okay maybe no-" 'The beach sounds fun lets do it' Sasuke and Itachi said at the same time cutting Menma off. 

"Fine but i'm not swimming" I groaned i love swimming but i can't swim right now. 

"How about we just go to the pool at our house so Naru isn't self conscious. 

"I'm not self conscious I just don't want to swim today" Please let them believe this. 

"I guess I'll just have to drag you into the water" I glared at Itachi. they all started laughing i rolled my eyes. 

Hey yall sorry i now this chapter was short

Will they find out Naru and Menma's secret? Keep reading to find out

Have a good day/night

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