Worried Sick.

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Naruko's POV :

I was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, I know it's a bit early to be cooking breakfast but I figured I should wake everyone up early.

Eventually I finished cooking and se up the dinning hall and setting down the food and place down the food and everyone's food. Sasuke walked in while I was setting everything up. 

"Do you want any help?" he stood in the doorway way leaning against the door frame, I blushed his hair was messy and in his face, Why does he have to look so good in the morning. 

"Uhh, Could you wake the others up? I know it's early but I won't be her when they usually wake up so I decided to cook now" I smiled up at him my blush not completely gone yet, his face full of curiosity. 

"Why are you not going to be here?" He pouted causing he to laugh a little. 

"I have a job interview today, and I need to do some of the shopping were running low on food" he made a 'O' shape with his mouth and nodded his head. turning around and making his way to wake the other. I went back to the kitchen and grabbed 7 cups and the pitcher full of orange juice. 

I placed all the cups in front of the plates and poured the juice into the cups. When i finished all the boys started grumbling as they walked in, grumbling things like it's illegal to be woken up this early, or they wanted to go back to bed. I chuckled at their comments. As they all sat down I made my way to my seat. I sat at the end of the table. 

I grabbed my fork and started cutting my French toast into small pieces. I looked up at the boy's scarfing their food down while others were dumping syrup all over their food. I looked up at the boys who were either scarfing down their food or dumping large amounts of syrup on their French toast. I picked a piece of French toast; as i brought the food to my mouth. Just as I was bout to eat the image of them all beaten, bruised, and cover in blood. I dropped my fork causing the others to stare at me. I quickly stood up and ran out, I knew I wouldn't make it to the bathroom so I ran to the garbage and started throwing up. Soon enough everyone ran into the kitchen seeing me throw up. Sasuke came over and pulled my hair back and Menma started rubbing circles on my back. I went to thank them but was interrupted by more throw up. I continue throwing up for another five minutes, five minutes of complete hell. I stood up walking to the sink. I rinse my mouth out and washed my hands. I turned around leaning against the sink. 

"Are you okay?" Gaara walked up to me and grabbed my shoulder making me flinch a little. 

"Y-yea I'm fine, something I ate last night must have upset my stomach" Lies, Lies left my mouth without even thinking, But I mean how am I supposed to explain that I got a call from a stranger who was talking a bunch of nonsense about me marrying him and then I saw them all beaten and dead In a dream I had last night. 

"Naru, Did you have another one of those dream again?" Menma walked over worry filled eyes. I sighed I knew Menma would figure it out I often get dream like this, He says it's from worrying about other and wanting to keep them safe to much. 

"What does her mean" Sai spoke for the first time this morning, I can tell he's worried. 

"Well you see, my sister has this problem when she worry to much and has the need todo anything and everything to keep the people she loves around her safe" He paused to catch his breath as the others stared from him to me. 'And all that stress and anxiety eventually gets to her and she has these dreams were she see's everyone she loves, brutally murdered with them saying it's her fault" I sighed rubbing the bridge of my nose, I was a little upset he went into that much detail about it. 

"But, they usually get triggered by something, like a threat, or someone saying something" I pinched his arm causing him to glare at me. 

"But she usually gets sick afterwards, the image gets burned int-" 

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