Reunited Alas.

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Menma's POV :

When we walked into the dinner I noticed my sister immediately hesitate. I also took notice to her trying to be nice and let Nagato and Gaara have some space.. Knowing her she probably felt guilty for hogging him for the past two weeks. Of course one of us blamed her, It didn't matter as long as she got better. 

Eventually a waiter came up, she looked a lot like out mother, But then it clicked who she was, "Karien" Me Nagato and Naruko ran over to her bombarding her with hugs and questions as to why she was here. 

Naruko's POV: 

"I haven't seen you since mom's funeral, How have you been Karien? I released her from the hold as did the other we all stared at her waiting.

"How about we meet up some time to catch up, I do still have to work you know" we laughed and nodded before resuming our seats.

(Time skip)

About a hour later we all finished whatever we were eating, After about five minutes of the guys fighting over who was paying I just got up and payed it because they were really getting on my nerves. 

I walked back to the table after paying.

"Okay let's go dumbasses, before you draw more attention to us" I rolled my eyes and walked out. They looked at me dumbfounded and I couldn't help but smirk. I rolled my eyes again while walking out. Slowly but surely everyone started filing out of the diner.  

"I'm shocked y'all didn't get us kicked out" I rolled my eyes as they all laughed. 'Let's just go hoe I'm tired' I grumbled walking over to the car. 

(Another time skip, sorry I know i keep skipping through things but I promise there's only like ne or two more in this chapter)

As we pulled into the driveway I visibly relaxed. I ran out of the car and waited for everyone. at the door. Once everyone got and made there way over people finally started talking. 

"Do you guy's want to watch a movie before ending the night, Or we can all sleep in the living room? Menma was talking to everyone but was staring at me. I hesitantly nodded yes. 

"As long as there are scary movies I'm in" Itachi smirked and was staring at my brother who was also staring at him, And lemme tell you some thing they sexual tension is thick and obvious.

"Dude would you to already fucking date, Like oh my Kami" I smirked while Menma and Itachi blushed while everyone else either snickered. 

"Okay let's go inside already" Nagato was getting a  little impatient. 

"I'll go make some snacks and get the drinks, you all can set up " They all groaned out annoyed 'or i can do everything myself' 

"NO!!" They all shouted now facing me, I flinched at the sudden noise but shook my head, They aren't like those people. they won't hurt me like he did. I am safe here. I nodded and slowly turned around and made my way to the kitchen. 

I don't really feel like baking so I guess I can just grab chips and candy. It took me two trips but I got all the food and drinks. After about 20 minutes everything was set up. The couches were pushed to the side and there were a bunch of blankets spread out on the floor. we all sat down in front of the TV. Itachi was next to Menma, Gaara was in Nagato's lap, Obito and Kisame were throwing popcorn at each other, Sai was to my right and Sasuke to my left. 

"Okay shushh everyone, the movies starting" we all quieted down as Itachi shut the lights off and resumed his place next to my brother.  We were watching Insidious which I was not at all excited for, I hate scar movies. Through out the whole movie I kept jumping and occasionally I would scream. Though every time I did Sasuke would lean over and ask if i was okay while either rubbing my back it playing with my hair. I'd always blush and just nod my head. Thank Kami It's dark or he would have noticed. He deserves someone better then me, I can't offer him anything all i have to offer him is broken parts. He deserves someone who can properly love him. Like Saskura, or some other girl that is prettier then I am. I hate the idea of him with anyone else, but I can't give him anything. compared to what everyone else can. Hell Menma can give Itachi more then I can. I'll be just fine as long as he is happy. I would only drag him down. 

(After the moive)

Once we finished the movie Itachi turned on the lights again and we all sat up.

"I'm shocked no one fell asleep" Itachi laughed,

"How could we, Naru kept screaming" Nagato laughed before kissing his boyfriend. I looked away and mumbled a apology that went un-noticed. I know, I always ruin things. It's my fault no one could sleep. I shook my head I need to stop acting down around them they'll worry If I'm not smiling. 

"What should we do now?" I sighed looking over at my brother who had a evil smirk on his face, And I know where this is going.

"Truth or drink" I groaned while everyone else smiled. 'Fine whatever' i rolled my eyes 'But i'm not getting up' they all  laughed and Itachi got up and grabbed the alchol and shot glasses before returning. once he came back we all sat in a circle. 

"I'll start" I looked at my brother not liking the look in his eyes. "Dear little sister" I shrunk oh no here we go. 

'Hm?' Letting him know i was listening as i grabbed the pre-filled shot glass knowing I was going to skip whatever the question was. 

"Who is this guy your crushing on" He and everyone else stared at me I rolled my eyes knowing they all knew but whatever. I blushed keeping y gaze at the floor I quickly downed the shot, I made a bitter face and they all laughed. 

"Ugh nasty, okay Menma, Who's they lucky guy you like?" I snickered everyone Including Itachi knew he like Itachi but we had to get it out of him for any progress. He groaned before downing the shot and shaking his head after. The game went on with everyone trying to find out who liked who and what was what.  eventually Kisame asked me a question. 

"Naru, How come you never show any skin?" We all froze, I don't blame him I mean what would you expect he doesn't know anything besides what my dad did that one day.

"I'll show you gimme a second" I sighing getting up to walk away. I walked up to my room and grabbed a tank top and some shorts. I guess if I'm going to be living with hem there going to find out eventually. I threw on the grey tank top and small black shorts. I walked out to the hallways hesitating. I was really nervous. I hate people seeing my scars and the wounds on my back haven't quite healed yet. I took a deep breath. It's now or never and with that I walked out. 

Menma eyes me slightly he knows were each of these scars came from, he could tell you the story for each one. I nervously looked around Itachi, Sasuke, and Nagato clenched there fist, Kisame and Obito couldn't even look at me, While Menma and Gaara looked me dead in the eyes as if saying there sorry. I don't blame them, my body is disgusting, You can see my ribs, I have burn marks, scars and bruises every where. I nervously stood there debating on weather to run or not, but before I could my phone started to ring. I pulled it out of my back pocket. I furrowed my brows as I did not recognize the number. Hesitantly I answered and brought the phone to my ear. 

Heyy yall. Heheh finna did a clif hanger

Who's number is it? Who is calling Naruko? Will it be good or bad? keep reading to find out

I love you all have a good day/night

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