Like a Porcelain Doll

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Menma's POV :

It's been two weeks since Sai called me telling me what was going on.  did as instructed and only told Sasuke, and Itachi. We all apologized to our friends before running off to Naruko. Tears threatened to spill as we got into Itachi's car. I sat in the front with Ita while Sasuke sat in the back. Despite his calm cool demeanor i could see the tears in his eyes, that was the day I realized he truly does love my sister. After two weeks her back is mostly healed but she won't let anyone but Gaara touch her. I won't lie it hurt knowing she won't let me near her. I constantly asked Gaara how she was doing and he's give me a full report. He asked me to pick up sleeping meds regularly for her too. She wouldn't sleep unless Gaara was around. I soon found out why as Gaara explained everything that happened and explained his past to us all. 

Itachi's POV :

Two weeks have passed since Naruko came back. She still leaves her room and cooks and cleans,  she still talks but not a lot most of her conversations were held with Gaara. On a rare occasion we would catch her smiling a real smile, but she barely sleeps unless Gaara is with her. After what happened she leaned on Gaara. The thought made me glad she found someone who she could lean on. She would occasionally lean on Sasuke, Menma, and I but never this much. It made me happy. 

Nagato's POV :

I was a little upset that my boyfriend was now consumed by taking care of my cousin, but he knew Gaara was the only one who could pull her out.  I can trust Gaara and Naru. I know they wouldn't do anything. Besides they act more like brother and sister. every now and then I was able to sneak Gaara away and spend time with him. After about a week Naru started leaving her room. At first everyone was shocked and bombarded her with questions to which Gaara made them back off, And three days after she came out of her room she started cooking and cleaning again. Though we protested against it she continued. Another day after she started talking again. then a few days after that she laughed for the first time. She started talking to us a little. We all knew that what we saw had happened was not the only thing that happened that day, but she wouldn't talk to anyone but Gaara about it; And as you can guess he kept his lips sealed about it. 

Sasuke's POV :

Ever since that day Gaara and Naruko have gotten closer, and don't get me wrong I know there's nothing between them and that she only thinks of him like a brother. But it's not healthy she wont do anything without asking Gaara. I haven't seen her this bad since the day I met her. she was always a quiet kid but she talked to me and we learned about each other. I just miss her I want to be there for her but we need to be patient.

Gaara's POV : 

I've been taking care of her for the past two weeks. She's slowly getting better the light in her eyes still isn't back but she's getting better. Today was one over her bad days so she stayed in bed. I sat next to her playing with her hair as she started falling asleep in my lap. I pulled out my phone to next Nagato saying he could come in but be quiet as Naru has just fallen asleep. 

No less then a minute later Nagato was entering the room, which caused Naru to stir he froze in his spot has i resumed playing with her hair as she settled down Nagato moved to the seat next to the bed and grabbed her hand. 

"I really hope she gets better, I can't stand to see her like this" I took a deep breath when I saw Nagi's eyes fill with tears, 

"Don't worry tomorrow I'm taking her with you and the others out for dinner. she need to get back out so we will start with small things like dinner in a small diner" He looked at me suspiciously but nodded. 

(Time skip the next day before they leave)

Naruko's POV :

I was dragged out of bed today by Gaara who said were going out to eat for dinner. If I was being honest I was glad to finally leave the house. They past two weeks I've done nothing but sulk and mope around. I can't believe I acted so weak. It felt good having someone I could vent to about everything. Someone who understood that pain, But I can't lean on him all the time. Nagato was clearly upset his boyfriend spent all his time with me. I'll plaster my face with a smile, push away my feeling and pretend everything is okay. 

I threw on a Grey tank top with a black jacket, with ripped blue jeans and a pair of brown combat boots. I sighed before walking outside. I made my way down stairs to see everyone waiting on me. 

"S-sorry I had to clean up before coming out, hope you all weren't waiting long" I smiled as I stepped off the lest step. 

"Well are you ready now?' I smiled at my brother and nodded. We all walked out side to the cars. I went with Itachi, Menma, and Sasuke. while Gaara, Obito, Kisame and Nagato got in the other car.

~At the diner~

When we walked in I started getting nervous. I mean I know no one is staring at us.. I just developed really bad paranoia. I tried to stay towards the front of the group as to not cling to Gaara, after all this is the first time him and my cousin have been out together. We made out wat to the table, well tabled we had to squish a few tables together so we could all eat together. 

I sighed as I took the seat on the edge with Sasuke next to me, and Menma in from of my with Itachi next to me, Gaara and Nagato  were face to face Gaara being next to  Sasuke and Nagato next to Itachi, Obito was next to Nagato with Kisame across him. 

"Wait, why am I the only girl" i groaned out trying to break the ice. They started laughing while I pouted. In the moment it is easy to forget all they pain and suffering. 

"What can i get you guys to drink today" I looked up to see a familiar. I looked at Menma and Nagato both had shock written all over there face. 

"Karien" all three of us yelled in unison standing up. Ignoring the looks of our friends we ran up to here.

Heyy, So I'm not sure I'll post another chapter tonight i got in a really bad fight today so i wanna take time to recover though knowing me I'll prolly just ignore myself and write anyways, I

I love you all take care have a good day/night

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