Trail of Tears

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Naruko's POV :

'What are your families like'  It's not like Temari meant to up meant to upset me. I can't blame her. I looked at Menma who already had tears in his eyes. I grabbed his hand and gave him a reassuring smile. he wiped his tears and smiled. 

"Are you okay Menma, your crying?" Soon enough all his friends except for Sasuke swarmed him pushing me out of the way. I quietly stood up and smiled at the sight. He doesn't need my comfort anymore, He has so many great friend's there for him. I smiled again as a tear fell from my eyes, One tear soon turned to many. I quickly shook my head and wiped my face off. This is about him. I'm happy for him. I turned around and quietly walked outside.

Sasuke's POV :

I watched as everyone pushed Naruko out of the way to go comfort him. They kept asking are you okay? What happened? Itachi stayed quite but was still next to Menma with his hand on his lower back. I looked over at Naruko who smiled at the sight, But despite the smile she was crying. After a couple of minutes she walked out; I followed her I wanted to make sure she was okay. I know she'd lie in front of other so her going out side was the perfect opportunity to ask if she was okay. 

I shut the door as quietly as I could. I saw Naru was sitting on the steps with her head in her hands. I walked over and sat next to her. 

"Are you okay?" She looked over at me any trace of crying was gone she had a large smile on her face. 

"Of course I am, I'm really happy he has all those friends who care about him" She laughed a little, Her smile faltered but her eyes were begging for me not to say anything. So I kept my mouth shut; she sighed before she stood up. 

"Okay well I'm going to go lay down on the couch for a bit" I nodded and stood up with her walking inside. everyone was still comforting Menma but Itachi had gotten up when he noticed we walked back in. 

"Naru, are you okay" Itachi pulled her into a hug.; as much as it frustrates me only my brother could make her talk. 

"Ita, I'm fine I'm happy he has a bunch of friends who care about him" She smiled again 'Now like I told your brother, I'm going to lay down on the couch' He nodded before letting her go. We walked over to the group while Naru went to the couch. 

Menma's POV :

I hated when people asked about our family. I mean I know my sister took all the pain from our father; so I shouldn't be upset or hurt right. But I am. I had to see her get beaten, I had to hear all the insult he spat at her. I had to watch my sisters smile turn into a fake one. I had to watch the light leave her eyes. I had to watch her almost die, And that leave a mark. Now she only smiles fake ones I occasionally catch a real smile but they quickly fade. 

All my friends pushed Naru out of the way as they all questioned me asking if i was okay. Itachi still sat next to me with he hand on my back. I looked for my sister, only to see her  walking out with Sasuke not far behind. I smiled. Good she has someone that will be there for her when I can't. 

"Menma, why are you crying? Did something happen?" My friends attacked me with hugs and questions. I smiled 

"I'm fine guys, I was just remembering something" I laughed, and I have people who care about me and will be there for me. 

Itachi's POV :

I knew Naruko wasn't okay. So why did I let her go. The answers simple. She doesn't want our help, she doesn't need it. It will always be here and she knows it. 

"Okay guys, give him some space " after a few more seconds they eventually all let go and went back to their spots.  I sat back down next to Menma and Sasuke sat down on the other side of him. 

I leaned over to Menma's ear 'She says she's happy for you, and that she's okay. So don't worry, Alright?" He smiled again and nodded. 

"Where is she?" He was whispering. "She said she was tired so she's laying on the couch. He nodded and walked to the couch. I watched as he leaned over the back of the couch and kissed her forehead and covered her up. I smiled, they have a bond that nothing could ever break. It could only be broken through death. I looked over at my brother who also had his gazed fixed on the two. He smiled before looking away. 

"Okay guys let's keep it quiet Naru's sleeping on the couch" Menma announced while walking back over. He sat back down In-between me and Sasuke. 

Menma's POV :

I walked over to the couch to confirm she was there. When I saw she was sound asleep I leaned over the couch kissing her forehead. 'I love you sis' I whispered as I covered her up. 

"Okay guys let's keep it quiet Naru's sleeping on the couch"  I announced taking my seat in-between the two Uchiha's. They all just nodded and continued talking. Sakura was whispering into Temari's ear while staring at Sasuke. I rolled my eyes. Sorry Saskura but you can't have him. He's only for my sister. They may not be together yet but they will figure it out soon enough. 

(Time skip~ The next morning)

Naruko's POV :

I opened my eyes only yo be greeted by the harsh light of the sun beaming on my face. I sat up slightly and looked around. Everyone was passed out all over the place. I sighed getting up and quietly making my way to the kitchen I guess I can cook them all breakfast.

(Two hours later) 

Ughh Who knew cooking for so many people would take so much time. I set the table up along with another small table so everyone would have a seat. I put the food on the table and made my way back to the living. First I woke up my brother making him help me wake everyone else. Reluctantly he got up and started waking Itachi and his friends. I walked over to Obito 

"Obi, time to get up" he didn't respond. "Obito Uchiha wake your ass up right now or so help me Kami" His eyes shot open and he paled. I laughed and walked over to Sasuke. 

"Sasu, wake up I made breakfast" He groaned but sat up. I looked around and saw everyone was groaning and rubbing there eyes as the woke up. 

"I made breakfast, It's in the dinning hall all set up for you all" I smiled and went to walk away. 

"Naru, did you eat" well shit; I took a deep breath and turned around with a smile.

"Yea I ate before I woke y'all; You know I don't like eating in front of others" I laughed lightly knowing he didn't believe me but he dropped the topic. 

"Well I'm gonna go take a shower so have fun" I yawned before making my way to the bathroom.

Itachi's POV :

I woke up to Menma shaking me. I smiled 

"Good morning" I smiled again before sitting up He blushed a little before replying "G-good m-morning" I chuckled lightly. 

After everyone was awake Naruko announced there was breakfast waiting for us. I knew she lied when she told Menma she already ate, But I'll just make sure she eats later. 

Hey another chapter lollies

How are you guys doing? I don't know if I'll get another chapter out tonight but It will be out tomorrow morning.

Have a good day/night

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