Deadly Admirer

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Naruko's POV : 

My hands started shaking, palms sweating, heartbeat quickened. I froze. I didn't know who It was I couldn't recognize the voice, It wasn't the voice itself but the words spoken. 

"Hello, Naruko" their voice was cold, it sent chills down my back. 'I'm going to need you to tell your friends that you need to step outside before we can continue, and do well to remember were playing by my rules' Terrified of what this man could do i complied. 

"H-hey guys I need to step out to take this I'll be back in about 15 minutes, okay?" I smiled when they nodded and step outside. 

"O-okay I'm outside now" My voice strained a knot formed in my stomach, anxiety slowly taking over me. Every word spoken sent terrifying chills down my back. Paranoia sinking in.

"I just wanted to give you a little warning, Ever since you left me that day I always waited for you to come back, when you chose to leave instead of marry me. Like your father wanted. I've been waiting for you to come to your sense's and make the right choice." At this point my whole body was shaking, my eyes widened, who is this person? What does he want from me? haven't I  been through enough? Am I not allowed happiness?

"W-who a-are y-you?" My voice shaking almost as much as me, his small chuckle made me freeze completely It was short but man it scared the hell of me. 

"Sorry sweetheart you can't know that yet" And with that the line went dead. Tears fell from my face. I wipe my tears and calm myself before going inside. I walk in and back over to them not saying a word. They were talking but i couldn't hear. I was zones out. Who was that? What does he want? Why are they after me? What did he mean about marriage? 

Next thing I know there were hands in front of my face and someone snapping in my ear. I shook my head and looked around, Everyone was in front of me with concerned looks.

Are you okay? You look really pale? Did something happen on the call earlier?  They all bombarded me with questions. I didn't know how to respond. 

"Oh yea, I'm fine sorry I just zone out I'm fine don't worry about me guys. I'll be right back I need to throw on something that cover more" I made a small smile and tilted my head to the right a little. I went to turn away but before I could Sasuke threw his sweater at me. I paused looking at him shocked. 

"Don't look at me like that throw it on" I blushed a little and looked away before putting it on. Menma just whistled while everyone else just smirked at us. Sasuke had a small pink tint on his face. 

"T-thank y-you" I sat back down next to Sasuke who was now in a white muscle tank and black joggers. The rest of the night I tried not to zone out which I failed at many times. Eventually we all decided to sleep in the living room. 

Sasuke's POV :

When the door opened we all looked over at Naruko. When she walked inside she looked pale paler then I've ever seen. She seemed t me shaken up. We all walked over to her but she just kept moving forward, She sat down were she was at previously. 

"Naruko, hey are you okay" Gaara was right in front of her face crouched down. 

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" I grabbed her shoulder shaking her slightly. We kept asking her questions, but she never responded, Just staring straight ahead. I started snapping next to ear as Gaara waved his hand in front of her face. She shook her head. She reassured us she was fine and smiles, but that smile was fake it never reached her eyes like the others did. I knew she was lying but I decided dropping the topic for now. 

She got up and said she'd be back that she wanted to put something more covering on. I took my plain black hoddie off and threw it at her and smiled slightly.  Her cheeks were dusted with a light pink and she looked away as she put the hoddie on. I looked away and blushed. Dammit why does she have to look so cute in my clothes. 

We spent the rest of the night goofing off and drinking.  Naruko kept zoning out every now and then but she snapped out of it. Eventually we all laid down.  Gaara and Nagato were cuddling, Itachi was holding onto Menma which made me smirk and a hint of jealousy filed me. Not because of Menma but because I wish I was holding Naruko like that. Call me cheesy and weird all you like I don't care. Obito and Kisame were throwing pillows back and forth. and Naruko was already laying down next to me. Her face covered in a blushed that reached her ears. I smirked before laying down, I made sure there was a decent amount of space as not to freak her out. 


Naruko's POV : 

I woke up tied to a chair, A hooded figure stood in front of me. behind me stood the all my friends but they didn't like them, they were all pale and had bags under there eyes. Some had ropes around their necks. Others tied with knives in their bodies.

"W-what happened to you guys?" I choked back my tears, but my tears betrayed me and fell anyways. 

"This is your fault Naruko, You killed us" Menma said as he walked forward no emotion was on his face. His hair now soaked in blood, arms tied, Knives sticking out of him all over, Neck slit. I sobbed the sight of my brother like this killed me. 

"Your fault, Your fault" over and over those two words echoed in my mind. 

I sat up right in a cold sweat, shaking, breathing heavily. I looked around thankfully none of the woke up, I look behind me and saw Sasuke laying there peacefully. The image of him laying dead popped in my head. Cut's every where his face unrecognizable ,  swollen covered in bruises. I covered my mouth running to the bathroom. I hoped no one woke up. 

Just barely making it to the toilet lifting the cover i threw up. Over and over until I didn't have the energy to throw up anymore. The Image of them all standing before me dead, Making me want to throw up, every time I shut my eyes that's all I see. Eventually I stood up, I walked over to the sink washing my hands and brushing my teeth. I wen back downstairs, they were all sound asleep. I smiled glade they were okay. That's right they aren't dead, they're here breathing, they're safe and sound not a scratch on them, And I will do anything to make sure it stays that way I would die if it meant they stayed safe. I sighed and looked at the clock, 1 in the morning. I walked back over to where I was and sat down. I knew I couldn't go back to sleep. I didn't want the Images to pop up, though staying awake didn't stop the images. I just looked around making sure they were all still breathing, and of course they were. 

A few minutes passed and I felt something on my leg. I looked down to see Sasuke's head was partially on my leg. I smiled looking down at him. I'm sorry but I love you to much to let you get hurt by me, and my fucked up life. I put my hands in his hair running them through it while smiling. I continued doing this for a few hours just watching him and the others sleep soundly (Sorry i know that sounds hella creepy). A few hours later the raven haired boy started stirring in his sleep. I looked down worried he was having a bad dream. he sat up and started yawning.

The raven haired boy rubbed his eyes before looking around. He eventually looked at me and blushed quickly looking away. I laughed a little before standing up and patting his hair before walking to the kitchen.

hey y'all how are you?

Did you like this chapter? I hope so :) 

Take care and I hope you enjoy the holidays that are soon approaching.

Maybe I will do a special episode for Christmas, It will be completely separated from the story, But it will be in this book. 

I love you all so much and for all those who have made it so far in my story thank you I truly appreciate it. Have a good day/night

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