Chapter 45

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    cold moonlight paved the ground with silver, making the night less dark. Abel and Eli, who had just come out of Celtic's house, were walking on the way home. They were beautiful with everyone today. I had a meal. There is Lulu meat that is delicious when cooked without putting it in. It is even more delicious after adding appropriate condiments. Although a Lulu meat is not much, it is safe. Luo cooked a lot of soup, and everyone drank a lot of soup. After the meal, Eli helped clean up the things and finally left with Abel.

    "It's getting closer and closer to the festival, I'm so nervous. "Ilay is now looking forward to it and a little nervous.

    "Well, I am really excited. We will soon become partners and can live together." Abel held Eli's hand tightly.

    "I also want to live with you earlier . " "Ilay looked at the hands they were holding together, smiled sweetly, and the tension disappeared like magic. He is about to live with the person he likes. What's so nervous about him? And Abel has always been nice to him.

    "I can't wait for Eli, I really want the festival to come sooner. "

    A few days have passed. This time, Bai Mu helped us prepare the pairing ceremony. I believe everyone will be very happy that day, and our pairing ceremony will be different from previous years." "Speaking of this, Eli is obviously very excited. These days they and Angelo made clothes together. He made a suit of animal skins for Abel. When Abel put it on, he was stunned. Bull is so good-looking. And his own clothes and some decorations are not sewn, but they are fast too.

    "Yes, in previous years, people of the ethnic group just gathered together to eat barbecue, sing and dance. This year Bai Mu will prepare a lot of delicious food?" Recently, they are collecting bird eggs, fishing, and collecting in the forest according to Bai Mu's requirements. That kind of food called fungus. When these are done, they will start collecting fruit and hunting again in a few days.

    "Hehe, Abel, we will definitely be very happy. In addition to the blessings of the great god and the blessings of all the people this year, we can also have one more blessing from the envoy." Said Eli smiled stupidly, they really Is very lucky.

    Abel looked at him dozingly, his future partner was really cute, and if he could hold his hand like this for a lifetime, he would be really happy.

    "Eli, did my mother and father agree to live with us?" Adult orcs in the orc tribe will leave their homes to live alone, and female Xi_ng will move to live with the orcs after the pairing ceremony. Eli's beast father is gone, they want to live with his mother and father to take care of him. But Eli's mother and father were worried about affecting their lives and wanted to live alone. But female Xi_ng living alone is very dangerous and very hard.

    "Agree, otherwise I really can't worry about it." How could he live well with his mother and father alone.

    "Is there enough animal skins in that house?" Abel meant not only to arrange the place where they lived, but also to rearrange the place where Eli and his father lived.

    "Enough, enough, you still have a lot to send." His partner cares about her mother and father like this, and Eli's heart is full of sweetness.

    The two talked to Eli's house. Abel watched Eli enter and bolt the door before leaving reluctantly.

    Because the whole family will participate in the pairing ceremony to give blessings to the newcomers, the basket of small fish that Casey and the others caught is obviously not enough, so Benson continued to be caught by Casey for hard work for the next two days.

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