Chapter 1: Dont lose the spark

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New York never looked like this. The sky was never this dark this early. School has been cancelled so Kallen didn't have many responsibilities left. Except for one that he wouldn't dare forget. His cousin Nicole took care of his grandma in a hospital and he always took a Friday to go visit. A little bit of rain wasn't going to stop him especially if the hospital was only 20 minutes away. Kallen grabbed his raincoat and old sneakers while his necklace bounced on his chest.

" You're not in school" Nicole asked from across the line

" Class was cancelled today. I'm at home and I just realized today is Friday. I'm on my way if it's that cool" he replied, twirling the strings on his hoodie

" Are you gonna walk in the rain?"

" It won't be that bad Nic"

" Just get over here fast okay"

Kallen knew the street signs of Harlem like the back of his hand. Everything from the basketball courts to the correct porches to sit on were stuck with him. They weren't as lively today with the weather being terrible but he could make out all the old stomping grounds. He passed a corner to get towards the hospital when he noticed the rain starting to pick up. It went from a normal downpour to pelting his back constantly. Luckily Nicole had gave him a key card a few months back so he could take the employees elevator as he pleased. Kallen shook off the rain and made his way upstairs

" Fancy seeing you here Kallen" a girl from the counter called out, her hands up in the air

" Destiny?" Kallen asked, his eyebrows raising as he walked closer. He hadn't seen her since the 5th grade and with his first semester of college about to end he wasn't expecting to meet a old friend.

" I'm interning here with Nicole. You know Nicole right? Tall, Long Legs, Light complexion"

Kallen laughed as a women in a trench coat walked by. Something in that moment felt weird but it wasn't enough to stop him from talking to Destiny. At one point he would have considered her his best friend but that was a few years back. She had gotten taller, he had a bit more facial hair then before. "Time changes people" Kallen thought to himself.

" Yeah the Nicole that was a few grades up from us? She's my cousin Des"

Destiny blushed at his use of her old nickname. She hadn't heard it in so long and especially not from him.

" Damn I always forget. I gotta get back to work so I'll see you around. Who are you here to see"

" My grandma. She's getting pretty sick and no one else besides Nicole or I really gives a damn so I always come here every Friday to see her"

" Aww that's so sweet" Destiny said, her pen tapping on the board in her hands"

" What are you doing back in town? Thought you left us to head to Seattle" Kallen asked as he spotted Nicole's hand waving at him

" Mom and dad separated and I didn't want to be a part of all that so I just came back. Got into NYU so that makes it easier"

Kallen began to walk over to Nicole but continued the conversation as he did so " you go there too? Guess I'll see you on Monday. I'll meet you at the pavilion you know where that is right Des?"

Destiny began to giggle underneath her breath, a bit of excitement running through her body "yeah yeah I'll meet you there Kallen. Nice seeing you again"

" Same to you" Kallen said as he turned the corner and Nicole pulled him aside

" Promise me you won't break that girls heart" Nicole said as Kallen leaned on the wall beside her

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