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It's crazy addiction is.

I mean. It's all mind over matter right?

Quitting is easy.

Is the withdrawal that kills you.

It pulls at your feet an sucks you right back into its warm embrace of addiction.

Oh... That feeling...

It's not something words can describe.

That feeling of comfort and pure serenity.

Withdrawal is such an extreme opposite that it's terrifying to face.

It yanks you up and shoves you back down in the worst mood swings ever.

It makes you shaky and you feel as if everyone knows now and you can't hide.

Like someone's always peering over your shoulder.

I don't want help...


I wanna be left alone

I want everyone to pack up their shit and leave.

It's like no one can understand this. An everyone just wants to get closer.

It's suffocating.

I feel like I can't breathe until I just snap and I just shove everyone away.

I may not... Deal with things in the right way.

But it's my way.

And you either learn to out up with it. Or leave.

Cause I am this way for a reason.

And the withdrawal isn't helping.

So fuck you.

Screw off

Leave me alone.

Back your shit up.

Move on.

Step away.


See ya later.

Give me space.

Let me breathe.

Ya catchin my drift?

I. Don't. Need. You.

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