Hi! Just a few words before we begin.

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I'm just going to introduce the main character here and tell my plan with the story here, then I'll start actually publishing. Also my inspiration and goal for this story.

Let's start with my inspiration. I'm an avid music listener and I love writing when I'm bored, so when I listen to his songs I have scenarios run through my head I think people would enjoy...that's just my opinion I don't know.

Also, I haven't really seen a lot of fanfics with Aizawa and a black y/n. Plus I want to represent them. It's not just with Aizawa, fanfics in general. Most of them I write will be with POC. In the future, I will try to include other ethnicities to my best ability. I'm tired of the generic shy, quiet, nerdy Y/N and I know you are too. Plus it's annoying as fuck.

My Goal

My goal is to gradually learn how to use pronouns correctly throughout my stories and chapters since I am not as educated and I do not know how to use them in my writings as well (I will be doing research and I promise). I don't want anyone to feel left out so I apologize, but for this story, Y/N will be a black woman and be referred to as she/her. Again I apologize I don't want to disregard anyone. I am open to criticism and tips.

Plans for this story

I will update regularly, and try to keep up to date. I not sure if I will do lemon or smut in some of these chapters but it's always a possibility. This will probably be about 20 chapters. Not gonna lie I get attached to the Characters I make and I don't like to end stories. (I know it's strange)...but anyways. Thank you and I hope you guys enjoy it!

Quick References
Y/N= Your name
L/N= Last name
Y/H= Your hair type and color
Y/E= Your Eye color
S/C= Skin complexion (I know my POC come in many different shades and they are all gorgeous).

I got a TikTok too but I don't think that's important right now.

But like. If y'all want more fanfics I can I don't have a problem. Mainly because I don't leave my house and I don't have many friends...I'm bored.

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