Chapter 1

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Its 1pm and the bell rings to go to 5th period. I gather my stuff and walk out went to my locker. Putting in my combination 45-11-5 when I open my locker someone bumped in my locker and closed it. Under my breath I say "Bitch"! And I look up and saw Jack Gilinsky the most popular boy with his best friend Jack Johnson.

Jack (G) heard me what I had said under my breath and looked at me.
Jack G: Excuse me?
(Y/N): What?....
Jack G: You said under your breath "bitch", were you talking to me?
(Y/N): That depends, did you bump in my locker and close it?
Jack G: And what happen if I did? *smirk*

I roll my eyes and open my locker again and put my books up and went to 5th period and this douche was in it. I walk in to 5th period right before it ring the late bell. I was looking up at the teacher when I felt like someone was starting g at me. I look at the feeling of someone starring and saw Jack (G) starring and talking to Jack (J).

All I know about Jack (G) that he was in choir and he could sing and made vines with his best friend and also his a player always got a new girl. The longest he ever kept a girl was for 2 weeks.
Teacher: Dose anybody have a pencil for Mr.Gilinsky?
(Y/N): I do...

Jack walked up to me and I gave the pencil.
Jack G: Sorry about the locker. *wink*

I felt like I was his new target trying to get me to be his. I'm not the kind to be with the boys. I only have really 2 close friends Alex, Sam which was short for Samantha. The bell rang and only one more period then home sweet home. I walk to 6th period with my best friend when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Turning a around in shock seeing ....

Jack Gilinsky the Fuck Boy (Dirty)Where stories live. Discover now