Chapter 15

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When we had walked back to the car he put his arm around me. It was going to take a long time going home but I knew that my mom wasn't going to be home until 3 or something. She text me that she was out with Jessica and that she said behave my self and Jack can't come in. What she doesn't know won't hurt her. By then we were half way home we sang songs and laugh and talk some more. He hold my hand when he was driving. But he did have this on so form Trey Songz Slow Motion which was my favorite song at the moment. I had to dance to it so I was grinding and moving my hits in the sit. I could tell he was staring. I just laugh and say what? "Your so fucking hot." I start to blush and said "eyes on the road please."


"Then you better stop dancing." As he smile saying that. I couldn't believe how much I had but since we were in the car way don't I ask him what was his first impression of me? "The first time I saw you was when I was cocky and I had Abby but I change. Most guys say that when people say that their a player but I'm serious I have change and just want to settle.  But my first impression was that this girl drunk and I need to get her home and I could till you were scared."

"Really I thought you would think as me as a object like I want her so I'm going to have her." "Not at all babe your fucking hot and I do learn form mistakes and tried of jumping form girl to girl." As he kiss my hand as he was holding again. Finally we arrive, he pulled up in the drive way and open my door. Right before he open the my aside of the car door I put in a piece of gum in my mouth.

As I get out I say thank you. Being a gentlemen is totally hot to me. He walked me up to my door step as I put the key in and unlock the door. I put the key chan around my neck. I put my arms around Jack's neck and his hands on my hips.
(Y/N): Thank you for a great, fun night.
Jack G: I'm glad you had fun. (Smiled)

He lean in for a kiss but no it was not a kiss was like sparks were flying. He kiss me a few times until he push me against the door and swipe his tongue on the bottom lip of mine. Which let me know he wants to make put which we did. We kiss with passion but my hand was on the knob and it open the door. Which we just fell on the floor. We both just laugh and just look in each other. I gave him a little kiss but no it turn out to be a make out session. So I went on top of him and start to grin on his bulge that he was growing. His hands were around my hips where he guide it. I could feel him under me growing which was hot. I start to get the feels for Jack and start to kiss his neck and collar bone.

He let out a moan because that was one of his sweet spots. Right when I was about to kiss down his body he stop me and said he wanted to take it slow.  I node and got up as he did to.
Jack G: I see you at school Y/N ( kiss cheek)
(Y/N): You to (smiled as he walk to his car.)

I wave goodbye as he drove off and fix my self. I text and facetime the girls one at a time tell them details about the date. Since tomorrow was Monday which was ew. I had to get ready for bed so I just take off my make, wash my face and put on comfortable cloths and just check my phone which was texting and social media.

I text Jack a good night message. I really didn't know what we were but hopefully soon we be together and he change like he said. After I was done I went off to bed.

Jack Gilinsky POV

*During the date*

I really like Y/N I want to be something more then what we are. Soon maybe on our 3rd date I could ask her to be my girlfriend. I'm not a player no more I wanted to be with just one. We talked about our future and what we wanted to do for living after high school.

My plan was to become a singer and make music with my best friend Jack Johnson. Best buddy since Kindergarten. I want to live out to California. LA was my goal in life. She could see where i was going with dreams she saw it form my point of view which is one things I like about her. She had this fun, advantage and chill vibe about her.

She wants to have fun , explore and she just chill about everything. She was going to try fry ice cream which was cool.  We drove home after ice skating. Which was cute whens she kept on felling on her ass it reminded me that one scene form Night Changes by One Direction when Harry tried to ice skate. I thought it was cute.

But in the car we just sing which was fun and cute. I had this one song and she was just grinding and moving her hips to it which was pretty damn sexy to me if she could do that on me lord help me. She is this little shy bug though but sometimes she can be free. We pulled up to her drive way and I open her door for her. She unlocked the front door. She put her arms around my neck and my hands around her hips.

At that moment I knew that it was my chance to kiss her which turn out to hot make out session. I push her against the door when my hand went down to her ass. Then she open the door and webothe fell on the floor. Which was pretty funny. The door was open and she got on top of me and started to grin and kiss my sweet post that turn me on. But right before she about to move down to my body I had to stop her. I didn't want to have sex on the first I want her to be mine when I do.

I kiss her cheek and drove over to Sam Wilk house where everyone was. They where just playing Xbox and chilling. I told them about the whole date but they did ask if I fuck her. I told the truth and said no. They shake their heads and said there is always a next time. But it was pretty late it was around 2am when I headed home because I did have school tomorrow so might as well go to bed.

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It will get dirty more when he actually gets the girl u just have to wait and I'm think about making sequel to this book comment what u think and please vote and thank u for 1.34k

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