Chapter 24

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Y/M/N: Hello Jack! (Smile)
Jack G: Hi! Y/M/N is Y/N home?
Y/M/N: Yea!, she just got here. Let me get her. ( calls out Y/N) Y/N Jack is here for you honey.
Y/N: I can't come down maybe later, I don't feel good right now.
Y/M/N: Sorry I guess she don't feel so good.
Jack G: Thank you Y/M/N. (Smiled)
I walk to my car knowing I can't just leave her hanging. I know she don't know what really happen. So I remember that she sneak inside by the window. I sneak in the back and climbed a tree and jumped on top of the roof near her window and knock on it.
(At mall)
the girls and I wanted Starbucks and headed over there when I saw Jack with Emily. I saw them kissing. I was not very shock but I knew that this was to good to be true. He made me happy like I was in a dream for these past few days. I yell out Jack's name in shock. I saw how Emily face smirk like it was her plan. I didn't want to here any excuses from him. It was all fake how he felt about me, saying he wants to be something more, his a gentlemen and he wants to settle while he still going around playing people feelings. He was just a jerk, thinking he could change and wanted to do something with his life. Which was a lie. Was everything he said to me all a big lie and was just trying to play me? I walked up to him as he stand up to be in stock to see me. I want to smack him so bad. I couldn't i just felt the tears coming. I felt as one rolled down my cheek. As i stood there i didn't want to know what was going on at that moment. I just had to leave. As i smack his face and storm out of the mall. I got in the car as i was bursting into tears feeling like a waterfall. I felt the girls around me saying that "you don't need him." or "he don't deserve you.". I really didn't want to here that at this moment. It just made it worst right now because his the one who i was falling for and no one else.

I drove home crying the whole time. Felling like i had a anxiety attack but much worst because i wasn't scared i was hurt; felt broken. I couldn't get it through my head that he would do it. When I got home I went straight to my room and cry more and more. I heard a car door shut as I felt like i knew who it was. I could hear my mother calling out my name and asking me to come down to talk to Jack. Which I really wanted nothing to do with him right now. I told her i didn't feel well so he would go away. The girls tried to calm me down but couldn't. I was dying inside. I sat in the coner with my head between my knees as i felt myself rocking back and fourth feeling scared, hurt, and just broken. I felt the girls went over and hugged me as i was rocking. I heard a random knock on the window. I got up as i saw Jack Gilinsky yelling out "please let me in, I need to explain myself and what really happened." I let him in as he try to reach out for my arm to pull me closer but I backed away. I look so ugly i had my makeup looking crazy as like i was in a movie. As he enter Alex went put to him and said "If you hurt her anymore I'm going to fuck you up!"

The girls left as I still felt tears rolling down my cheek every time i looked at Jack. I sat down on my computer chair as he was pasiting . Trying to explain his self to me. I too the tissues and started to blow into them and wipe away my makeup. As i felt even more ugly. Jack stood in front of me trying to get the words out of his correctly.

Jack G: Look just hear me out I'm sorry. I didn't even try to kiss Emily, she kissed me.
Y/N: Then why were you there with Emily?
Jack G: I was with her trying to tell her that I choose you! *pointing at me*
Y/N: Why would you go to her and tell her that you choose me!? You could have told me that You where going to met her!
Jack G: A few days when I saw her at Starbucks with you guys. We started to talk again and try to get me again! but it was you I wanted not her.
Y/N: Why wouldn't you choose her?
Jack G: You need to stop begin blind and see that your beautiful and amazing.
Y/N: Why did you tell me?!
Jack G: because I know how you over reacting about when we almost did it and when I stopped you.
Y/N: I don't know if I can trust you?! Are you going to stay loyal or cheat and are you going to go back to Emily?!
Jack G: No I'm always going to be here through thick and thin. Trust me I'm always going to be here for you Y/N. and Emily you don't have to worry about her no more. *one his knees lifting up my chin*

You soon left up your chin when he picked it up and kissed him. He up his hands on your cheek. You pulled away while your forehead lands right now his forehead. I smiled as he did the same. I closed my eye as i felt a tear droped form my eye as he kissed the top of my head and said "everything going to be fine." Wiped away a tear when he said " Im here for you ALWAYS!" He hugged me tighter and let me fall into his lap as he rocked with me back and forth.

I got so tried I felt him pick me up and lay me down gently on my bed. Covering me up with blankets and cuddling with me and holding me. I eventually fell asleep and had a big headache after I woke up. I saw Jack still asleep peaceful as I sat up and got some pills for my headache. I popped them in my mouth and grabbed a water bottle and drank some. Lay back down and tried to relax. I relax as I felt a kissed on my shoulder coming form Jack. He whispered "Goodmorning babe." As he places his kisses on my neck. I smile and say "It actually Afternoon" as we both laugh. Today was Valentine's Day. I got up and used the bathroom real quick. As he grabbed his phone and check it. I quickly hide my bad stuff like my pills and blade. In my makeup bag. He really don't know that I have problems and cut. He knocked on the door asking to come in. I unlocked the door while brushing my teeth. He smiled as I felt his hands on my hips making it way to a hug. We looked in the mirror as we both laugh as I saw how happy he made me. We kissed as he wipe his mouth from the toothpaste on his lip as he say "minty!" Making me laugh as I spit out my toothpaste smile as he say " What a perfect smile!" As he kissed my cheek.

We were going to start our day earlier than planed because he slept over. Since what happened yesterday. I grab him a toothbrush behind the mirror and gave it to him. I walked out and asked what should I wear today? He responded with " Normal clothes but something easy!" as he smirk. I laughed as I said yea right laughing and grab a pair of jeans a shirt with a and a hoodie and a pair of vans to where. I brush my hair as I put it up as I tried doing my make up. Jack sat behind me and kissed my neck making me moan. I push him off and say go get ready. He said he had to leave and change so he just gave me a kiss and showed his self out as he went home and got new cloth. I put on my face and waited for Jack to come back.

I looked on my phone and turned on some music and waited for Jack to reply to my text. He reply and said he was on his way. I saw him pull up as right when I went to my door to let him in I saw him standing with a small box of chocolate and some red roses. I smiled big as I threw my arms around his neck and placed my lips on his passionately. He head up stairs, when I walked to the kitchen to put the roses in some water. I walk up stairs to see him holding something of mine with a sad,mad and confused look on his face.

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