Chapter 11: Nezu & Izuku creating chaos!

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3rd Pov:

The first semester of their second year has passed. Izuku and Nezu have been creating a sheer amount of chaos around Japan! News article after news article. Manipulation of politicians and other government officials with a dash of blackmailing added in. Soon Izuku and Nezu had taken his old schools to bat in court and won. All of the staff that were involved were arrested. A lot of the old classmates of his were also arrested. They were given lighter charges because the teachers encouraged it but they all had to do a lot of work to make sure the charges didn't stay on their records. 

After the schools were taken care of and the sparks of fire were created. Nezu and Izuku decided to make the flame bigger! People don't care about a quirkless child but they do care about quirked children! As such, they manipulated that emotion! They pushed articles like how dare these teachers harm children! Quirked and Quirkless children's lives destroyed because of the neglect of the teachers! Making child villains!? 

They kept different stories going out all the time. They made the focuses on how adults were failing quirked children but also the quirkless. This way people would get on board quicker! They just kept the flames going until they could put pressure on the government to demand changes in discrimination laws to include quirkless children. The reasons they pushed were if teachers allow the neglect of even a quirkless child then how can parents be sure they aren't neglecting the other children and harming their futures! As such, after a semester of doing this, they were able to get several laws placed in that required stricter discrimination protection for quirkless children! 

It wasn't ideal since the laws were new and there wasn't much chance of enforcement but it was a start! Getting the laws in place allows the foundation to be built to changing other things. The class of 2-B noticed how Izuku was happier and they asked him. Izuku had explained what Nezu and he were doing and the class was scared of Izuku on how quickly they got that stuff done. It only took Nezu and Izuku one semester to get new laws put in place and a public outcry going! They were kind of scared of what villains would face if they ever pissed him off...  

Izuku had spent the winter break training and hanging out with 2-B. Izuku was just getting closer and closer to the class and felt at home with them. Even though he wasn't a member of that class they didn't care and would always include him in their class when they introduced themselves. Nezu was really impressed with 2-B and was even offering them help in studying and training plans if they wanted them. He didn't offer this to 2-A since they haven't done anything to impress him. All of 2-B was also doing work-studies now as well while only half of 2-A was doing work-studies. 

Everyone even started to train together and Izuku was putting his hero analysis to good use with his new friends. He was throwing out new ideas for them to try and they had figured a way out for Monoma to keep quirks nearly 24/7 while on hero duty. It was some rings created with a small hole on the bottom. These rings allowed him to carry DNA blocks of people that were willing to provide him the DNA and allows him to copy the quirks and change out between them. These DNA blocks would last according to the support department who created them for about 3-4 months before the DNA wasn't good anymore to use. As such, Monoma started to train in using certain quirks to be better at them and was taking his skills up a level. 

As all of this was going on, Izuku had learned that he obtained a new quirk! It was the 7th's user quirk! Izuku now had OFA, Black Whip, and Float as his quirks! Izuku decided to cause chaos! As such, one morning you could find Izuku in the staff room waiting. The moment all of the staff had entered with Nezu in the room also who knew what he was doing, Izuku just started talking. "Nezu... I'm stuck again." Izuku said. Everyone jumped out of the seats at his voice. They all looked where it came from and found him floating. All  Might just tense up at his protege... he was seeing his master's quirk again. Then Izuku just dropped down before Eraserhead could turn his quirk off. "Nevermind! CYA LATER!" Izuku said as he ran out the door. Nezu just started laughing at All Might's face. 

Izuku kept using his quirk to scare people throughout the day by appearing out of the ceiling and floating down in front of them without them noticing. He gave quite a few people heart attacks and Nezu just enjoyed the chaos! One of the moments was when a student in 2-B asked a question to those around them and Izuku just answered them. Everyone tensed up and screamed when they saw him. They were freaked out because he was just floating there. "Like my new quirk? I activated it during the weekend and have been practicing. I can float up and down currently but I need to practice to make it combat useable." Izuku said. Tokage offered to help him train since she can fly with her body parts when she uses her quirk. Izuku was happy at that and accepted. "Izuku! I need to start teaching but good job of scaring the staff." Vlad King said as he entered. 

Izuku just laughed and Vlad King realized it was starting to sound like Nezu's laugh.... 'DEAR GOD NO!' Vlad King thought. Even the other staff that walked by were groaning when they heard Izuku. 'Now there is two of them!' they thought. Izuku just traveled via the tunnels and found Nezu's office and dropped in. "Hello, dad!" Izuku called out while laughing. They both just played a game of chess as Nezu did some random questions that Izuku needed to learn. Most of their education classes were spent with Nezu verbally teaching Izuku while playing chess since Izuku was able to keep up. They both enjoyed it so they refused to stop. All Might soon came in and wanted to know about the new quirk. "Ah! Yea, Nana gave me her quirk. She said it was time for me to activate the next one since my power has increased more. OFA core forced another one out and they chose to give me this one since it would fit into my current style I've been using." Izuku said. It was true that if he used float with the black whip and OFA he could move fast and be very agile.

Soon All Might left after getting answers. Nezu and Izuku then went back to their plans. They were planning to bring down the #1 hero in a slow manner. They wanted to smear his name slowly that it wouldn't hit the overall hero society. They also were working on tracking down the league of villains as well since they had a theory that Dabi was Touya Todoroki and they wanted to help him if they could. The problem was that finding the league would be hard since they have kept low ever since the fall of All For One. Nezu and Izuku both thought that them giving up was not possible even if others thought it. As such, they kept their ears open for any clues to their location.

In other news, they did talk about some other plans that they had. It also tied into the issue with the #1 hero. They decided that they would make some plans for world dom-- *cough* they talked plans and saving people! Yes saving people and so not destroying the hero commission so they could rebuild it in a better way while controlling it! They would never! As such, they needed to figure out a way to get better controls put in place to stop heroes like Endeavor from being created in the future due to him being just a villain with a hero license. This may or may not include some blackmailing and some public manipulation by leaking some minor crimes of hero commission officials and some nasty deals that they have made. They were also looking into saving Hawks since they had discovered that he was more or less bought as a child by the hero commission and was being forced to be a spy in the league of villains. This meant that the commission knew the location of the LEAGUE and they weren't doing anything about it! This annoyed Izuku and Nezu since the league needed to be stopped. As such, they dug into their information and kept making plans.

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