Chapter 14: Third Year start & 3-A run-in

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3rd POV:

Izuku and 3-B were doing more training together. Izuku has gotten his quirk control to 85% and he only needed 15% more which he aimed to have done by the end of the year. The group of friends was working on team moves since most of them planned to go to similar agencies together. Izuku had asked Toshi if he wanted to create an agency with him. Toshi would run the underground division while Izuku ran the above ground division so the agency would be operating 24/7. Toshi agreed with the idea since he enjoyed hanging out with Izuku. Monoma overheard the conversation and asked if he could join up with them. Izuku didn't have any problem with it nor did Toshi. The three of them did get along quite well and with the ideas that Izuku and Nezu had been giving both of them have grown powerful in their own rights which allowed them to enter the big 3 with Izuku. 

Soon the third-year sports festival came and went. A lot of the 3-B class made it to the final round again. This year Bakugo had made it to the final rounds as well and had come in third place. Izuku had taken first again just like their second year and Monoma had taken second place. Toshi had come in 4th since Bakugo had defeated him since he knew not to answer anything. He just went with large explosions and forced Toshi out of the stage. Monoma was able to withstand them since he had trained a sheer amount with Tetsutestu quirk which allowed him to withstand the explosions. He also used Kendo's quirk to knock Bakugo out of the ring. 

Izuku was still working under Nezu for his work-study but did patrols by himself or with one of the 3-B members' agencies with who Nezu would partner on a regular basis on any case they had. He made an agreement to do this and help their cases if they allowed Izuku to patrol with them and work with their work-studies so he would have back up if something went south since he was still a student. The other agencies agreed since they would accept Izuku regardless but they also got Nezu on their cases which made things so much easier. 

The former league members were studying a lot to be prepared for their return to society. They had all accepted Izuku's offer to work out of his agency once he had it established and could afford to hire them all. Nezu and Izuku introduced the 3-B class to the league members once they agreed to keep silent. The class was shocked to learn that the league members were still alive. However, they were far more shocked to learn that they were controlled during everything and were given new lives. "Toshi, Neito. I've offered them a spot at the agency before I asked you to make one with me. I wanted you two to know about them so you wouldn't be surprised later on. They deserve a chance at a new life just as much as anyone. They haven't caused any problems during their stay on the UA campus and have been learning things they need to know to perform for the agency." Izuku said and Toshi and Neito took a few moments but accepted it. They were a bit tense but said that would go away as they get used to the idea that they aren't villains anymore. 

Later on, the semester was going along and Izuku had a run in with 3-A... it didn't go well. Izuku's old friends had found him walking in the hallway when they walked up to him. They screwed up right away... Uraraka had called him Deku when Izuku knew that they were told not to use that term. Izuku just tensed at that. He also noticed that none of the other members in 3-A corrected her. They were trying to talk to him about how sorry they were and didn't mean to do what they did. "If you didn't really mean it then why did she call me Deku when you all have been told not to. Nor did any of you correct her? You all know what that means towards me..." Izuku said. They shut up really quickly and Uraraka stated that it was his hero name... "Are you kidding me... it hasn't been my hero name since I left you all in our second year. I had it changed to Apollo... how did you not realize that the school has called me that during the sports festivals this year and last... also when I captured the league my hero name was stated as Apollo as well!" Izuku said and he was pissed. None of them spoke... he just looked at Uraraka and Iida and then walked away. He doesn't know if they represent all of class 3-A but god he didn't' want to find out since none of the other class 3-A students that were there stopped her or corrected her... 

He just went to Nezu's office and sat down on the couch. Nezu noticed Izuku's sour mood and asked what was wrong. Izuku just said to check a certain hallway and the number and Nezu did so. Nezu didn't like what he found... "I see... that was disappointing... seems they didn't change much... only Bakugo has made strides to be better and change. Ah, that reminds me he dropped another letter off a bit before you came. That's why he wasn't with the others." Nezu stated. Izuku opened the letter and it talked about how he was doing and how his anger management classes were going. Bakugo talked about how he planned to start a Quirked & Quirkless Charity to fight discrimination and problems in current society and asked if Izuku would want to help with it. It wouldn't really start until a few years in his career since he needed to be able to fund the group. 

Izuku was SHOCKED! He was amazed at the steps Bakugo was taking. Nezu who read over his shoulder started to talk. "I can confirm he is doing this. He's been talking with some business teachers about plans for the group and has been working on a business plan to look into how to set it up and all the things he would need in the future." Nezu stated and Izuku had a few tears down his face. He was happy his former brother was returning. The brother who disappeared a few years after his quirk came in. Izuku wrote a letter back and talked about his encounter with 3-A went and how he would love to join it. He talked about his plans to open an agency with Toshi and Neito after graduation. He also made a note that he awaits that his brother returns in full. Nezu took the letter and would deliver it to Bakugo later. Nezu was truly happy with Bakugo and was sure that Bakugo wouldn't fall down the rabbit hole ever again due to the dedication he has put into this. 'One thing about that boy is when he puts his sights on a goal he will achieve it one day.' Nezu thought.

Izuku talked to class 3-B about his interaction with 3-A and they were pissed. He also talked about his letters with Bakugo and the class was happy with his improvement. Overall, it was now time to start preparing for the hero exams. They were already at the end of the first semester and needed to start getting ready for graduation and the hero exam. It was now time to get into full gear and put everything they have at it!

- Note -

The end of this short book will happen in the next 2 or so chapters.

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