Chapter 5: Meeting with Nezu & Changes

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3rd Pov:

Izuku was walking down the hallways with Nezu and we soon arrived at his office. The walk was really tense and silent for the most part. Soon, Nezu had Izuku sit down and offered some Lavender tea that helps people relax. As Izuku took some of the tea to drink he smelled it and then tasted a little bit of it. Even though he was watching every single movement of Nezu's and was making sure he didn't add anything to the tea, he still did this. He was acting just like how he used to act in middle and elementary school because he couldn't trust adults and other students not to tamper with his food or drinks. He made most of his meals when he could so he didn't have to worry about that problem. 

Nezu gave himself some of the tea as well and then sat down at his desk and had his tablet out in front of him. As they enjoyed the tea in silence for a few moments, Nezu sat his cup down and looked at Izuku with his mouth in a thin line.

 As they enjoyed the tea in silence for a few moments, Nezu sat his cup down and looked at Izuku with his mouth in a thin line

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"Izuku... first I want to offer an apology for how you've been treated in the past. I've looked into your past since I remembered that you were quirkless before OFA. With everything that happened in the first year, I didn't even consider the impacts of your past on your current situation... It was only until we had the quirk history lesson that happened today that I had realized that I had put the topic I've been wanting to talk to you about for a while about." Nezu said as he looked at Izuku. Izuku froze the moment that Nezu mentioned his past and felt scared. Nezu had known about OFA so he shouldn't discriminate against him since he was an animal with a quirk who also faced discrimination from humans. Izuku just stared at Nezu and waited.

Nezu then started to speak again since he knew Izuku was not going to open up so easily. "I've hacked into a camera from your past schools and gathered all the evidence I could find. A decade worth of verbal and physical bullying, discrimination, assault, borderline torture, dehumanization, and many other things that were done to you... I shouldn't have put this off so long and then you had to sit in that class where your teacher and classmates ignore the existence of quirkless discrimination and some even made jokes. For that, I'm sorry Izuku." Nezu said as he got up and bowed his head. Izuku was stunned... he never had an adult apologize for everything he was put through... not even All Might who was fucking quirkless! Izuku's mouth just kept opening and closing without making a sound. Nezu knew Izuku would take a moment. 

"Why now... why bring this up after all this time. Not like it changes anything. I have to go back to that class where I know I'm surrounded by the quirkest people who would look down on me the moment they knew I was quirkless. I don't trust teachers and Eraserhead has proven multiple times that I can't trust teachers here either. The fight with Bakugo was self-defense but I got blamed for it... today in class he didn't even believe quirkless people could be discriminated against and didn't stop any of the discrimination that they were doing while talking about discrimination. So why should I trust you Nezu... when all the adults even All Might have shown reasons not to trust them?" Izuku asked and Nezu was a bit shocked about the All Might comment and wondered what he did to not even have his heir's full trust. 

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