Chapter 4: Quirk History & Discrimination

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3rd Pov:

It was now the first day of classes and the students of 2-A were going through their days. They all still were trying to figure out why Izuku seemed distant with them but couldn't figure out anything they may have done. Izuku just wore his fake smile to class and no one noticed that his eyes seemed less bright or that the room seemed less bright as well. The only thing they noticed was that Izuku seemed a bit tense and couldn't figure out why. As such, most of them dropped it thinking that he would talk to them if there was a problem. Soon the day passed and it was now the last class of the day. 

It was time for the quirk history class where if UA stuck to how they did it before, then they would have a class about quirk history and would talk about quirkless people. Aizawa-sensei walked into the room and started the lesson. He as well had noticed that Izuku was seeming distant to everyone. Hell, even Eri had brought up the fact that Izuku seemed distant to his class but not to Eri or Kota. As such, Aizawa has been watching Izuku from a distance when he could and hadn't noticed the boy do anything wrong or out of the normal. He just seemed distant to his class and the teacher wondered if the students did something or said something that made Izuku like this.

However, he had a class to teach. "We will be talking about the history of how quirks came to be how society has changed over the years. We will also have an open discussion about how to handle current beliefs surrounding quirks in our current society." Aizawa-sensei states. Soon they were pushing their the lessons. They talked about the quirk riots of the dawn of quirks and how the government did attempt to round everyone up with a quirk and suppress them. Though this turned out to be useless since the quirk gene was already in everyone for the most part and would pass along to the next generation. Some students were shocked about how quirked people used to get treated in the past. Izuku just imaged that it was similar to how he was treated on a daily basis during his life as he remembered how he was held down and had words carved into his skin.

The conversation slowly moved from the dawn of quirks into how the quirked people became the majority of the population. They talked about how as time passed the quirkless people started to thin out since humans kept being born with quirks. Izuku could hear some mention of how humans were evolving to become stronger overall. Izuku could feel a pit being created in his stomach each time something was said in his class on how humans were growing stronger and how humans became more evolved. 

Soon the conversation came to the current days. "As we hit the current time, quirkless became a low minority with only 20% of the world being quirkless," Aizawa stated and some students talked about how they couldn't believe there were still quirkless people around. Then Aizawa-sensei handed out the homework sheets. Izuku face paled a bit when he was reading through some of the information on the sheet. The class would be having an open discussion about how they think society views people with weak quirks, mutation quirks, and Villainous quirks. It, however, didn't mention talking about discrimination against quirkless people... Izuku's mind went blank at that. Did they not consider quirkless people being discriminated against? 

Soon they started talking. A lot of the conversation was placed on how people discriminated against anyone with a villainous quirk and bullied them. That according to statistics that these people were less likely to get offered jobs or offered some services out of businesses. Then someone made the comment that made Izuku crack even more. "God... I think I would rather be quirkless than have a quirk that society deemed villainous. I might have a better chance!" stated Uraraka. Izuku's heart broke at that since his own friends didn't know what they were saying. Izuku would have given anything to even have a villainous quirk in society's eyes since it would have saved him from the beating, the carved words in his skin, the suicide baiting. Some other students agreed with her and Aizawa-sensei told them to quiet down and get back on topic...

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