Chapter 8: Quirkless Discrimination & 2-N

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3rd Pov:

The students of 2-A and the teacher were shocked. This presentation was about quirkless discrimination which Deku had brought up the day before. It was also before he had disappeared and was last seen really before he had talked to Nezu! They all wondered if it was connected. Iida has asked their teacher a question. "Sensei! I thought you said there was no quirkless discrimination?" Iida asked. Their teacher was concerned because there is no data that suggests that there is? "There are no government reports but I guess according to Nezu I should have gone for outside our own government..." Aizawa-sensei stated. He felt guilt at what he said to Midoriya the day before. It was clear now that this was an important topic and he pulled out paper and a pencil and started to get ready to take notes. He went and sat at Midoriya's desk since it appeared he would be a student today. "Take notes. This is going to somehow be really important that will affect all of us." Aizawa stated as he sat at the empty desk. Everyone saw he was preparing to take notes as well.

"Now! Let us start with some simple truths. 20% of the world is quirkless. However, for Japan, it's around 5%. From that 5%, you have about 3% that belongs to older generations which means 2% are born every year! Quirkless people are those that are born with absolutely no quirk in their body. No unique features or anything that would place them into the classification of being a superhuman like the rest of the world. Instead, they become the 'normal' human in the unnormal world. These people make up a minority of the world with roughly 20% of the population being quirkless on a global scale.

However, countries like the United States have a population of quirkless sitting around 15% which most of those being newer generations. Why is this important? Well, the united states are one of Japan's harshest critiques when it comes to our laws around quirkless people. Unlike the United States, Japan hasn't changed its laws in nearly 200 years meaning there are no laws protecting the quirkless people! The law is blind when it comes to this group of people and it shows how justice is lacking for them. How you may ask!? Let us look at one case of a young boy that was born to two quirked parents. The day he turned 4 he was diagnosed quirkless. They found no traces of a quirk at that time. After they received this news from the doctor the father abandoned them. This person was lucky since the mother stayed. Most parents throw the child to the streets where they die really young or throw them into the system. As they grow up they learn quickly that all men are not born equal. They learn this at the age of 4 when their friends turn on them, the teachers turn on them, and sometimes their parents. 

In this case, all of the students and friends this child had turned their backs on them. They started to verbally abuse the student. They soon moved to physical actions as well in a few years. This is all in elementary school where the teachers see it but do nothing. This is because our society sees quirkless people as inferior, as weak, as useless but that is further from the truth! 

Fun fact, did you know that some of the best inventions and support gear from I-Island comes from quirkless scientists? DIdn't know that did you!? They are as cable as all of us but in Japan, they are beaten down due to our beliefs. Now, back to the child. If the child is lucky one or two teachers may take pity on the child and attempt to help him but won't do much. They won't reprimand the other children since they have quirks. They wouldn't risk the quirked child for the quirkless child. Sad isn't it?

Now, if the child is lucky, they will get called their actual name but most of the time the adults and students will find cruel names to replace theirs. From useless or freak or many other things. Teachers would even call the child this name and start to dehumanize the child. Can't feel guilty about their actions if they don't see the child as a human! Soon the child will learn the rules of survival! Some of the common rules that quirkless children would follow in their minds would be as the following;

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