Chapter 15: Hero Exam & Graduation & Hero work [End]

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3rd Pov:

IT WAS TIME! It was time for the hero exam! The students and the teachers have been gearing up for this day. It was 1 and a half months left of the final semester for the third-year students and they would be attempting for their hero licenses in a week! The tension between 3-B & 3-A was rough. Some of the students in 3-A attempted to talk to Izuku again and 3-B students just got in their path and allowed Izuku to escape. He really didn't want to deal with them anymore! Luckily for Izuku, he would be taking the exam with 3-B at their exam site and not with 3-A! As such, he doesn't have to worry about dealing with them during the test!

As everyone was working on team moves and sole moves. They worked non-stop. Izuku was also doing a lot of physical workouts to try and obtain the final control of OFA before the test. It was 3 days before the exam when he felt it. He had hit 100% and OFA felt different inside of him. It felt like he was no longer bursting with overwhelming power. He felt like he was bursting with relaxing power. It felt nice to just let it all flow through his body and not use it. It felt so nice to just let it sink into his body and sit there. Then... Izuku was pulled into OFA. He was face to face with all the past users. "Hello, Izuku. Good job on hitting 100%. It took you roughly three years and you completed your control of OFA. You just need to get used to it now and know when to use it and when not to use 100% in battle. There won't be many situations where you need it though." stated the 1st user. The others told Izuku that he did a good job and other things. Soon, they allowed Izuku to return to the world of the living! Izuku found himself in the nurse's office and Nezu was there doing paperwork. "I see you are awake. 3-B freaked out when you just dropped to the ground after activating your quirk. Can you tell me what happened?" Nezu asked concerned. Izuku then explained that he had hit 100% and that he was taken inside the dreamscape of his quirk before being sent back after some communication. 

"I see... this must just be a result of you achieving 100%. Though, we've never heard of this before you... hmm maybe it's due to your sync up with the quirk is better than the others." Nezu stated. They soon cleared Izuku and he went and stopped by 3-B to ensure them that he was fine. They asked what happened and Izuku explained that he had hit 100% control of his quirk for the first time and overdid things. He shouldn't have any problems using 100% of his strength aspect in the future since they think it was a one-time thing since he was a late bloomer. Toshi and Neit understood though a bit more. Izuku had told them both the truth since they would be doing an agency with him and he trusted them.

As such, Izuku took a break from training since the exam was closing in in 3 days and Izuku didn't want to overdo it. The entire class agreed to just relax and hang out since they didn't want to overdo it and screw up right before the exam either. They all wanted to just hang out in 3-B dorms and relax. As such, they had a movie marathon. Soon, the days passed and it was now time for the hero exam!

That is how they found themselves at a stadium that was out on the edges of a city. They entered the building and were scattered out and were given a written exam with 200 questions and had 1 hour to complete it. As time went by Izuku quickly finished the exam and then laid his head down since he was already done. An exam staff person walked by and poked his arm and motioned to the exam. Izuku gave it and said in a low tone he was done. They took it and started to grade it. A few other people from UA finished early and staff collected their tests. Others finished about 15 minutes before the end of the exam and 15 minutes later the bell went off and the staff called it to an end. "If you failed to finish all questions please stand up and hand your exam to a staff person. You are done and have failed to pass." stated the announcer. 'DAM! That is harsh!' thought Izuku.

Soon they were told that they would be run a 10K run on a track that they monitored. "You may use your quirks but you are not allowed to interfere with other exam users. If you cause another person to have an accident then you fail! Get into positions and get ready!" They announced. Everyone got into positions and started to dash off once the run started. It didn't matter if you got first or last. It mattered if you got to the end before the time limit was up. The time limit set was 1 hour. As time passed Izuku quickly made it to the end because a run like this was his to win easily due to him getting 100% control and he had float as well which allowed him to go through the air at a face speed. About halfway into the time limit the rest of the UA students arrived. 

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