Chapter 6: Personal Student & Inko Midoriya!?

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3rd Pov:

Izuku had just yelled out in Nezu's office and then he realized he did it. He ducked his head in fear at being yelled out like in the past. The only thing he felt was a paw on his head. He looked up slowly with fear hidden in his eyes and saw Nezu standing there with a slight smile on his face that showed sadness. "Don't worry.. I won't harm you... I won't be like those in your past Izuku... we are far too similar to purposely cause harm to each other... people like you and me need to stick together." Nezu said as he leaned in and hugged Izuku. Izuku froze since the only person that would ever hug him was his mother... Izuku just started to cry and thanked Nezu.

After about 30 minutes of sitting there, they calmed down. "Now.. there are some problems we need to talk about. 1. What do we do with Bakugo now that I know about his actions. 2. Your old schools and classmates as well. 3. Your mother needs to approve the transfer which means she will want to know about all of this. I'm assuming she doesn't." Nezu stated and Izuku nodded his head. He really didn't want Bakugo punished so harshly that he lost his hero dream. He knew Nezu wouldn't let him off though. Nezu and Izuku talked for about 30 minutes and Nezu agreed to talk to his mother about Bakugo but the other students Nezu had free reign of going after. Izuku also knew his mother would need to know even though he wants to keep hiding it. "She needs to know Izuku... having her support you on this will be so much better. Also, she is going to be hurt no matter what. From the fact that you've been hurt so much all this time and the fact that you kept it from her. However, I promise you I won't abandon you. We should also tell her about OFA since she needs to be in the group that knows about it. All Might should have told her from the start to be honest." Nezu said. Izuku was hesitant but agreed for Nezu to call her.

As such, Nezu called Inko Midoriya. "Hello, Mrs. Midoriya... Yes... this is Nezu... your son is unhurt physically... yes I know how I worded that. I think this will be a large conversation you need to be present for and no Izuku isn't in trouble. I've learned something of his past that you need to be involved in. Yes.. I'll see you in about 20 minutes." Nezu then hanged up the phone and then looked at Izuku. "Want to play some chess while we wait and we can play a game of questions while we wait. Each piece you take earns you a question." Nezu said.  Soon they were playing chess and Izuku was doing well in challenging Nezu. Nezu was actually having fun.

"The first question, with me becoming your personal student... one day could I have more physical contact with you when you get comfortable with it. I know with your past and all it will be hard." Izuku asked. Nezu looked up and saw Izuku had only pure intentions since he was deprived of much positive reinforcement in his life and Nezu agreed as their relationship grows they could move to more physical touching and hugging that they felt fine with. Nezu knew that they both lacked positive reinforcement due to their past and thought he would enjoy a good hug from time to time. He just hated doing it with humans since they hurt him in the past but didn't really hold that towards Izuku since they were so similar. 

Nezu then got a piece and asked his question. "Do you think you will open up more to All Might in the future? He is going to have a lot of questions that I'm going to refuse to answer since this will be private. I will only tell him so much that you allow me and only basics without you approving." Nezu said. Izuku thought for a few moments and remembered OFA... All Might deserved to know but Izuku thought of a way for him to find out some without directly telling him. "Tell him to look up the statistics for quirkless people. I know Japan doesn't report it but the UN does and a few other countries do criticize Japan for their policies. As such, the information is out there. Also, tell him to look into jobs that quirkless people can get. Then depending on what he finds I'll tell him based on his reactions." Izuku said and Nezu found this fair. 

Soon they went through 2 games of chess and both won one. Then as they were about to start the third game a knock came on the door. Inko had arrived based on the camera outside the door. "COME IN!" Nezu shouted. Inko walked in and saw Izuku playing chess with the principal and she noticed that he had tear marks down his cheek. "Hello, Principal Nezu. Hello Izuku... may I know what is wrong seeing as how my son has tear marks down his face?" Inko asked concerned. Nezu looked at Izuku and asked him point-blank. "You or me... I'm fine with telling her if you are uncomfortable but there will be some spots you will need to fill in on. I can recall everything you told me but if there is something you want to be added then please stop me." Nezu said and Izuku just asked Nezu to do it since he couldn't bring himself to speak it to his mother.

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