Chapter Five

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The sun was what woke Clay up the next morning. It came in brightly through the few windows that lined the walls. He should really invest in some kind of blinds. He hated waking up early on his days off.

Reluctantly, he slowly slips out of the safety of his warm bed and into the coldness of the morning. He made his way to the small kitchen to make himself something to eat.

There weren't many options. He was due to go to the shops in town soon. After quickly searching through his cabinets, he decides on the bread and jam he had purchased the last time he went to the shops.

He had to get some things done today, like shopping, and maybe tidying up his small home, but after that, he'd be free for the rest of the day. The boring things wouldn't take all day, so he should have some time to do something relaxing. Maybe, he'd go to his little spot in the woods.

Clay had thought about going to the field. Maybe, he could go and make friends with the brown haired boy. Clay had been thinking about him ever since he bumped into him. He had wondered if George was thinking about him, too. He had hoped George was. Clay didn't want to be seen as weird if he showed up to the field again. What if George wasn't there? Sure, George had invited him back, but did he mean it? Clay decided he would think about it while he did the first few things on his to do list.

After finishing up his bread, Clay decided to get changed into new clothes, so he could start cleaning up. He didn't have much to clean. He tried his best to keep everything in order. All he had to clean up was the clothes he had lazily thrown around, probably from when he got home too late from work. He also had to look through his kitchen to see what exactly he needed from the shops. He liked saving money by not buying things he didn't need. He wanted to save it for something important, something more meaningful.

After deciding the house was in order, he grabbed a light jacket while slipping his boots on. After locking the door, he began the walk back into town. It was peaceful. The air wasn't freezing, but it wasn't exactly warm yet. It was still early in the morning, and despite the sun shining, there was still a cool breeze. As the day went on, Clay had hoped it would get warmer. He didn't want to sit out in the cold.

The town square was finally coming into view. Although it was before midday, the area was already full. Shop owners and customers had started to fill up the streets. Clay had hoped he wouldn't have to stay in the crowded area for too long. All he really needed was some more bread, and maybe some meat. He quickly spotted the stand he usually buys his bread from.

"Good morning, Clay!" a cheerful feminine voice came from behind the stand.

"Hello Niki, how are you?"

Niki was the girl Clay always bought bread and other baked goods from. She and her other friend, she often refers to as Fundy, own a building where they have their own small bakery. They had just recently opened the stand. During the day, the building got quite busy.

"I'm doing great. What about you?" Niki asked while already getting Clay's usual order ready.

"Oh, I'm doing pretty well. Can I also get some of those pastries? Two of them, please," Clay makes a motion towards the little cinnamon rolls that laid next to the loafs of bread.

"Sure thing. That'll be fourteen forty five." She hands Clay a neatly bundled sack.

"Alright, here you go," Clay says, handing the money to Niki. "Say hi to Fundy for me."

"I will," she smiles. "Have a good day Clay." Niki waves as Clay begins to walk away towards another stand.

Clay waves back, looking for the next stand he needs. He quickly finds it. It was one of the produce stands. Clay didn't know the person who worked at this stand. He wasn't close with any shop owners besides Niki and Fundy.

Clay buys some vegetables and a small portion of chicken, something he would make for dinner as a treat for himself. After paying the owner of the stand, he heads back the way he came, towards his home. He gets back quickly, putting his groceries away just as quick.

It was now midday and Clay was packing a small bag for his little day trip. He didn't know if George would be there. Surely the prince had better things to do. Just in case, he packs both the pastries, along with some extra bread and cheese.

Clay had secretly hoped George would not be there. Then Clay could just have a peaceful lunch alone in the beautiful field. But, he had also secretly hoped the boy was there. Clay wanted to be friends with George. It was confusing him. He was torn in half, but maybe after today he wouldn't be. He could finally decide if seeing him was the right choice or not. If it was weird and awkward, he would just never go again. If it wasn't like that, and him and George actually got along, then maybe, he'd go back.

After breaking out of his thoughts, he quickly tied up the bag and put it over his shoulder. After talking himself up once more, he finally leaves his house.

He began the walk towards the castle. It wasn't terribly long, but it was longer than most of his trips. Soon enough, he began to see the opening to the field coming up. The closer he got, the faster he felt his heart go. He was overly nervous.

He was now standing in the field, still a bit away from where he first met George. From where he was, it looked like the field was empty. He couldn't see George anywhere,as far as his eyes could see. As Clay continued to walk, he still had no sight of the boy. He had immediately felt relieved. The nervousness had gone away once he realized he was alone in the field.

It was replaced with a bit of disappointment. Although Clay was nervous, he had kinda hoped George would be here. He was excited to get to know him, and maybe start a friendship with him.

Sighing, Clay slowly took a seat in the grass while setting his bag down next to him. With his back to the castle, he ate his lunch alone.

Before he could open his bag, a soft voice interrupted him.

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