Chapter Twenty-Two

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It's been almost a week since Clay had left. To George it had felt like a lifetime. The days had started to blend together, he kept to a consistent cycle. He'd wake up, eventually after the sun started to annoy him, he'd ask for his breakfast to be brought into his room, then he'd eat alone.

Unlike usual, he would not go to the field, all it brought was bad memories. Instead, he kept to his room, tending the plants and reading an endless amount of books, like he had been doing before he met Clay.

Most days, he ate dinner alone, as well. No one seemed to notice he was spending less and less time outside of his room. It was usual for him to lock himself away from others, but not this much.

George had thought the waiting would have been easier. Clay had left for completely understandable reasons. He was wrong.

The morning had gone like any of the other previous days. It was now midday and he found himself wrapped in both Clay's jacket and blanket. He held a book about exotic plants. He was already half way through, but was quickly getting bored of it.

He was bored of everything lately. It had seemed like everything had lost its meaning. He had no motivation to do much of anything.

A gentle knock broke him out of his self pitying thoughts.

"Yes?" His voice broke slightly, from not talking for such a long period of time.

"It's me. Can I come in?" His older brother's voice sounded through the door.


After answering, Wilbur came into the room with a bright smile on his face. He didn't bother to look at his younger brother, going straight to the window.

"I've had a brilliant idea," Wilbur's voice held a cheerful tone.

George hummed as a response.

"When do you think Clay will come by next?" Wilbur paused, still not facing toward his brother.

George's heart dropped.

Wilbur didn't notice his brother's silence, and continued to speak.

"I think it would be nice if we had a little picnic together. I would enjoy getting to know him better. He seems to be a good guy," Wilbur's voice still held the same cheer filled tone.

George stayed silent, tears had started to form in his eyes.

Finally noticing his silence, Wilbur turned to face him.

"George? What's the matter?" Concern laced his voice.

"Wilbur, he," his voice slightly broke, clearing his throat he spoke again, "Clay won't be coming around anymore. Not for a while, at least."

He let the tears flow freely down his cheeks.

"Why? What happened?" Concern still laid in Wilbur's voice.

Stepping forward, he gently laid a hand on George's shoulder.

"God, I shouldn't even be upset over it," his voice was shaking. It was clear he was holding back a sob.

Wilbur only looked down at him sympathetically, urging him to continue.

"His dad passed away, and he needs to stay with his mom," his voice became more strained, trying not to break down even more.

"Oh, George, I'm sure he'll be back," Wilbur offered his little brother a sad smile.

"That's the thing," he paused, a sad laugh was heard before he continued, "I asked him if he'd ever come back to me, and he couldn't even answer me, Wil."

He finally let the sob he was holding back break free.

Wilbur only pulled him into a hug, gently rubbing his shoulders soothingly, trying to get him to calm down.

"He left already?"

"I don't know... probably," George's voice was muffled against his brother's shoulder.

"What if he hasn't yet?"

"Wil, I can't make him stay away from his family, it would be extremely selfish of me."

George gently stepped away from him, the tears had slowed down.

"I'm not saying that, but there has to be a way," he paused, thinking before adding, "He could visit you, that could work."

"I don't know, Wil," George's voice was quiet, clearing his throat he added, "What if he left already?"

"You won't know unless you go see."

"I guess you're right."

"You know where he lives, right?" Wilbur's voice wasn't dull anymore and held a cheerful tone.


"You can go there and check if he's left yet," Wilbur offered a small smile before he turned to make his exit.

George's voice stopped him.

"And if he's gone... what will I do then?" George's voice slightly broke.

"Well, we will just have to deal with that when it comes," he paused, "But I have a good feeling about this. Be a little optimistic for once, George."

Giving one last smile, Wilbur headed out the door, leaving George alone with his thoughts.

Would Clay be still here? He couldn't have packed up his whole home in a week all by himself, could he? Maybe Wilbur was right. I should check.

But what if Clay was gone?

He already wasn't okay with the idea, and if he got his hopes up with the idea of Clay still being here, that would only make things worse.

He finalized his decision on checking for Clay.

But he would not get his hopes up, at all.

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