Chapter Ten

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George stuck to his plan of not visiting the field. It had been almost a week. It wasn't as hard as he thought it would be. He easily kept himself busy, with his birthday coming up, it wasn't hard.

Today was just as easy. He had just finished picking out decor for the main hall, where the celebration would be held. The sun had already started to set and the activities from today made him slightly tired.

Despite his tiredness, George decided it was still too early to go to bed. To pass the time, he grabbed the current book he had taken an interest to. It was something different than he was used too, a book about art. He decided on reading in his bed, if he accidentally fell asleep, at least he'd be in bed.

He had just started getting into his book, when a quiet knock on his window interrupted him. The curtains were drawn blocking out the outside world. George could not see anything besides a small sliver through the blue curtains, which didn't show anything useful.

He assumed it was maybe a bug or a branch from the tree outside his bedroom, so he decided to ignore whatever it was. He went back to reading his book.

Seconds later, there was another knock, but this time, louder and it hit the window more times.

George knew better. Whoever was on the other side of that window could be potentially trying to hurt him. Yet why would someone try to kill or hurt him from simply knocking on his window? Maybe, just peeking behind the curtain wouldn't hurt.

Throwing back his blanket, he slowly climbed out of bed. Sighing, he quickly made his way to the window. His hands on the ledge, a second thought of doubt crossed his mind. This could be a horrible mistake. George pushed the thought out of his head.

Pulling back the curtain revealed the night sky, and a man. Not a stranger, not someone random, it was Clay.

George wasn't surprised. He was annoyed. He did not want to see or talk to Clay, so he closed the curtain again. This caused Clay to knock again, this time repeatedly. His annoyance raised with every knock that sounded through the room. Maybe, if he talked to Clay, he'd leave him alone. He threw the curtain back open, causing the knocking to stop. He then opened the window.

"What do you want?" The annoyance in George's voice was very apparent to Clay.

Clay opened his mouth to answer, before he could even get a word out, George cut him off.

"Wait, how did you even know this was my room?" Confusion was added to George's tone.

"Just let me explain, okay?"

George nodded, inviting him to continue.

"First of all, I've been stopping by the field for the past three days looking for you, but you haven't been there. So, I decided to get a closer look to see if I could see you, which I did. You were reading a book, sitting in this window." Clay gestured to the window where the two stood on either side. "I just really need to apologize to you, George. I didn't think before I spoke and I feel horrible for what I said."

Clay had seemed to go through a lot of trouble to try and apologize to George. It was almost flattering. It made him feel slightly guilty for avoiding the field, even though Clay had hurt his feelings.

"I accept your apology," George paused and looked down at his feet. "I guess."

"That," Clay was shocked, he was expecting George to not accept the apology. He had planned to say "That's okay, George. Goodbye," but George, actually, accepted his apology. What does he even say now? He really hadn't thought George would accept it so easily. "That's good. Thank you, George."

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