Chapter Four

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He didn't end up going back. It felt weird to him. What was he supposed to do? Show up randomly one day and just sit there? What were they supposed to do once he got there? Clay had thought it would be pretty awkward. He wanted to go back, but he didn't want to weird out George.

Clay didn't have the time to go back either. Although he didn't have a too important job at the black smith, he had to work extra hours because of several big orders. The neighboring kingdom had been overdue for some new weapons and armor. So this meant Clay had to stay almost everyday to make sure things went smoothly and clean up at the end of the day. He wasn't used to working this much. He usually had to come in about three days a week to check up on the orders and make sure all the cleaning was done.

Luckily, the order finally was completed today. This meant Clay could take tomorrow off and, possibly, the next day off.

Clay was currently finishing up the rest of the cleaning before he could head home and collapse into his bed for the night. He was very exhausted. His bed was all he could think about.

"Dream you can head home. I'll finish the rest of this," a familiar voice said from behind him.

"Sapnap, you've been here just as long as me today. Don't worry I can handle it." Clay responded to Sapnap, one of his childhood friends. Almost everybody at work had nicknames.

"Dude you've been here like everyday this week, you look dead. Just go home, you can just owe me a favor." Sapnap said while taking the broom out of Clay's hands.

"Fine but I'm gonna return the favor next week."

"Yeah yeah whatever you say buddy," he said giggling while pushing his friend out the front door.

"Alright I'm going! Goodnight Sap!" Clay says finally stepping out of the building and into the chilly night air.

Sapnap quickly says a goodnight followed by a kiss he blew at Dream, who just rolled his eyes at his friend's usual behavior.

Clay began the walk back to his home. It took him usually around ten minutes. He had to walk through the town, past all the other small, family owned shops. There was a doctors office and a school in the town as well.

Clay's house was a little bit outside of town. He didn't live by many people. He actually preferred it that way. Clay had been thinking about him more in the most recent days. It had only been a week since they'd met, but Clay wanted to get to know George. He didn't have many friends, he had Sapnap and Bad, his childhood friends. They all used to play in his backyard, going on their little adventures. It's where they came up with the nicknames Dream, Sapnap and BadBoyHalo.

Clay was snapped out of his thoughts when his home came into view. He sluggishly walked through the front door after unlocking it, taking off his boots and coat, shoving them in the corner by the door. Not even bothering to change, he fell into his bed and quickly fell into a peaceful slumber.


George had stuck to his normal schedule, bouncing between the garden and the field. The only day he broke his schedule is when he and his brothers had been pulled into a meeting with their parents regarding some boring subject George couldn't bother listening to.

George was thinking about Clay too. He had no friends other than his brothers, but they don't count. George thought a lot about how it was to have a true friend. Having Clay as his friend now clouded his mind. George thought Clay had seemed interesting, based on their quick conversation. Maybe it was the lack of friendship or the way Clay stumbled over his words, but it all made him want to be friends with the boy more.

George was interrupted by a gentle knock on the greenhouse door. It was Karl.

"Hi Karl. Do you need something?" George got up from the ground while brushing some dirt of his hand while turning towards Karl.

"Yeah, actually, I was wondering if before you headed off to bed you could help me find a book? I can't seem to find it and you know the library better than I do." Karl seemed to rush out the last bit.

George and his siblings weren't that close. They never were. Growing up, they were all interested in different things and never bonded much.

"Of course, I was just heading in." The two walked their way back into the place they called home.

The walk to the library was short and they arrived quickly.

"Okay, so what are you looking for?" George asked turning to Karl, who had already taken a seat in the small chair in the corner of the room.

"Well, it's one of the books you recommended a while ago, the one about the sailboats."

George quickly remembered what Karl was asking about and walked toward the back of the library to find the book.

He quickly found the book. A bright yellow binding covered the pages. It could have been green, but George wouldn't have known the difference. He handed the book to Karl, while bidding him a goodnight.

George made his way to his room, shutting the door behind him and slowly changing into his dark blue pajamas. Suppressing a yawn, he gently climbed under his blankets and rested his head on the pillows.

George's last thought before falling asleep was wondering if maybe tomorrow, he'd see Clay again.

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