Chapter Twelve

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George didn't specify what time his meeting would end, but Clay was getting bored waiting at home. He had woken up around 9, but it was now an hour before midday now.

He quickly decided that, even if George wasn't done, he would wait for him. With that, he threw on a jacket and headed out the front door. The walk went by quickly and the familiar clearing soon came into his view.

His meeting was done. Clay quickly spotted him, entering the field from the opening in the wall. He noticed two things fairly fast, George was carrying about three books and George was wearing his jacket. Clay's mind went completely blank. The only thing he could think about was how good George looked in his jacket.

He shouldn't be thinking about how good George looks. George is his friend, nothing more. Even if he had some kind of weird feelings towards him, George would never feel the same.

"Clay?" George's shout broke him out of his trance.

Clay started to walk toward George before answering.

"Hey, George."

"You're here early," George smiled.

"Well, I told you I wanted to hang out today," he smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah, I know that, idiot," George rolled his eyes.

"Well, then what do you want to do, Georgie?" A playful tone laced his words.

"I don't know, but I'm bored. So figure it out." George dramatically sighed.

"You are so dramatic, Georgie," he paused. "There's not really much we can do."

"Could we go for a walk? I mean not where anyone would see us, but it could be fun," George's eyes wander their way to the ground.

"If that's what you want, then yes, we can," Clay smiled down at George, who looked back up and returned the smile.

"Go put your books away so they don't get ruined. Then we can go," he gently shoves George's shoulder in the direction of the wall

George disappears behind the wall, leaving Clay alone again.  It seemed every second he spent with George made him melt a little more. George could easily get anything out of him.

"Ready?" George's cheerful voice broke him out of his thoughts again.

"Yup. I was thinking we could walk around the woods behind my house," Clay started to lead George toward the tree line.

"Sounds good."

"Nice jacket, by the way," Clay teased.

"Shut up," a blush covered his cheeks causing Clay to smile.

"Don't be embarrassed, Georgie. It looks good on you."

"Oh my god. Stop talking, please," George shoved his face into his hands to hide his red face, only causing Clay to laugh.

"If you don't look, you're gonna fall."

"No, I'm not. I think I know how to walk, Clay," George's voice was muffled behind his hands.

As if, on cue, his foot got caught on a tree root, sending him falling forward. Before he could fall face first into the dirt, a pair of hefty arms grabbed his waist, pulling him back up and into Clay's chest, knocking the air out of both of them.

"I told you, you'd fall." He didn't let go of George.

"Shut up, Clay," George's voice came out as nothing more than a whisper.

The two stay silent, staying in the same position both thinking similar thoughts, is he going to move? They both stayed, until Clay cleared his throat, while awkwardly removing his arms from George's waist and backing up.

"Let's keep going. I want to get you back before dinner."

Before walking again, he quickly glances at George. He was watching his feet with every step he took, like he was scared to fall again. Scared for Clay to grab him again. Did he not like that?

They walked in silence, an almost unbearably awkward silence.

Clay was digging himself a deep hole. He simply found himself wanting to be close to George, which caused him to find himself in situations like these. The holding on to George longer than he should of, or when he held George's jaw. He didn't know what was wrong with himself. George was strictly his friend. That is all George thought of Clay, so he needed to reciprocate. Yet, Clay still couldn't stop stealing glances at the side of George's face as they walked silently, side by side. He wondered if, maybe, George had the same thought slip past his mind once or twice.

Probably not.

"Can we take a break? Then we can head back," George's soft voice broke Clay out of thoughts. Clay didn't realize how long they've been walking for.

"Yeah, of course." Clay stopped walking and gently slumped against the trunk of a tree. George did the same with a tree across from Clay.

"So," he clears his throat, "Your birthdays in a few days. Will I be able to see you?" He shyly smiled.

"Possibly. Not during the day, for sure. I'll be pulled away for my party, but I'm sure I'll be able to sneak out after," George returns the smile before adding on, "Why? Have something planned?"

"Something like that. I, also, have a gift for you."

"Ugh, I told you not to get me anything," George whined.

"It's my decision, Georgie, and it's been made," He shrugged, with an evil looking grin smeared across his face.

George rolled his eyes.

"We should get you home. I don't want anyone to think you've been kidnapped." Clay stood up, holding a hand out to George.

"As if you could kidnap me," George lightly punched Clay in the arm.

"As if I'd want to kidnap you. You're too whiny," Clay reaches over to ruffle George's hair.

"Stop! Now you've gone and messed it all up!" George dragged out his words in a playful, but angry tone.

"Like I said, too whiny."

The walk back was peaceful and filled with silence. The awkwardness from before was gone. Yet, it seemed to end too quickly when they approached the edge of the field again. They reached the opening in the wall even quicker.

"I guess, I'll see you later," Clay smiled softly at George.

George didn't respond with words. Instead, he stepped forward, slowly wrapping his arms around Clay's waist, laying his head on his chest. Clay didn't respond at first, being slightly in shock. He quickly recovered by wrapping his arms around George.

"I just want to say thank you. I've never had someone treat me the way you do," George's words were soft spoken and filled with sincerity. It almost sounded like he was going to cry.

Clay tightened his hold on George before responding. "You're welcome, Georgie. It's not hard liking you."

George let out a little laugh before letting go.

"I'll see you soon," he said with a soft smile. George turned and made his way back into the castle grounds.

Clay was left standing alone with a huge smile on his face. Finally admitting to himself that yes, he definitely does have feelings for George.

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